[ 复数 planks 第三人称单数 planks 现在分词 planking 过去式 planked 过去分词 planked ]
...平板支撑是腹部肌肉塑形的有效方法,可以减掉小肚腩。但是不是大家看到的那种趴在地上就可以的,掌握正确的姿势才能有效锻炼腹部肌肉。平板支撑(plank)是一种锻炼平衡和腹部核心肌肉群的减肥动作。在瑜伽中,平板支撑经常是拜日式的其中一个动作,或是流瑜伽的 泰女神登熊猫tv辣眼睛...
...able)上,设置 它的父节点为沙发(Armchair): 然后再将这个模块拖拽到茶几的脚本流程区中: 双击打开它,将父级设置为木板(Plank),这样茶几就有两个父亲了。
Kevin Plank 普朗克 ; 普兰克 ; 凯文·普兰克 ; 凯文
Case Plank Broken [包装] 箱板破
hardness plank 硬板 ; 斩板
plank bridge 木板桥
single-plank bridge 独木桥 ; 迷宫玩具
gypsum plank 石膏板 ; 石膏条板
plank bed 木板床 ; 屉为木板的床
tail plank 后台板
同义词: board
"The streets were planked"
同义词: plank over
"He planked the money on the table"; "He planked himself into the sofa"
同义词: flump plonk plop plunk plump down plunk down plump
以上来源于: WordNet
N-COUNT A plank is a long, flat, rectangular piece of wood. 长方形木板
It was very strong, made of three solid planks of wood.
V to cover or provide (an area) with planks 在···上铺板; 给···上板
N-COUNT The main plank of a particular group or political party is the main principle on which it bases its policy, or its main aim. 政纲条目 [journalism]
The Saudi authorities have made agricultural development a central plank of policy to make the country less dependent on imports.
V to hide; cache 躲避; 隐藏 [SCOTTISH]