... 双臂上残留的血迹 Like blood on my arms 残留的,退化的 vestigial 葡萄酒在口中残留的余味、余韵 Abgang ...
vestigial organ 痕迹器官 ; 残留器官
VSB Vestigial SideBand 残留边带 ; 遗留边带
vestigial side-band 残留边带
vestigial sideband modulation 残余边带调制 ; [电子] [通信] 残留边带调制 ; 残旁带调变
vestigial sideband filter [电子] [通信] 残留边带滤波器
vestigial-sideband emission 残余边带发射
vestigial sideband [电子] [通信] 残余边带 ; [电子] [通信] 残留边带
vestigial sideband demodulator [电子] [通信] 残留边带解调器
同义词: rudimentary
以上来源于: WordNet
ADJ Vestigial is used to describe the small amounts of something that still remain of a larger or more important thing. 残留的 [正式] [usu ADJ n]
...vestigial pagan practices and symbols inside Christian churches.
It is often possible to see the vestigial remains of rear limbs on some snakes.
Basilosaurus was undoubtedly a fully marine whale with possibly nonfunctional, or vestigial, hind legs.
Even then, with the Velcro firmly fastened, there's still a little vestigial dangling fabric like the long pinky on an ill-fitting glove.