进一步以Heyn's 线截断法(linearρth:理论密度(theoretical density)曲线可找出介电常数最大值(Kmax)与最大值之发生温度(Tmax),同样图形可知其为纯钙钛矿之结构.
maximum theoretical density 最大理论密度
the maximum theoretical density lines 最大理论密度线
theoretical maximum density [物] 理论最大密度
theoretical occupation density 理论占有密度 ; 人员密度
theoretical separation density [矿业] 理论分选密度
theoretical canopy density 理论郁闭度
theoretical placing density 理论安装密度
The relationships between the theoretical density and porosity of the composites and the repetition cycle are discovered.
The technology of repressing and re-sintering in powder metallurgy had been used to fabricate a c Cu-C composite materials attaining above 95% of the theoretical density.
A case study on SLS of this Cu-based metal powder to fabricate a gear is carried out. 82% relative theoretical density and transverse dimension error of 1.9% are achieved.