...The hot spots: in the LADA context hot spots are areas where swift rehabilitation action is required as land degradation is particularly severe or fast, with actual or expected harmful or extensive impacts on site or off site 干旱地带土地退化的状况和趋势; 热点:在旱地退化评估中,热点指土地退化特别严重或速度特别快、对当地或远方已经造成或预期会造成有害或广泛的影响、需要迅速采取恢复行...
The hot spots and their volcanic trails are milestones that mark the passage of the plates.
Form shop, to food, to sports, and the culture, there are the hot spots for having a blast.
But while Alfred is a good substitute for a friend who knows all the hot spots, Clever Sense hasn't figured out a way to make it a good conversationalist.
如果你没有一个对各种美食餐厅都门儿清的朋友,那么Alfred也是一个不错的替代品。 不过到目前为止,Clever Sense还没能把它打造成一个非常健谈的机器人。