...教授汉森和罗利亚(Hansen and Nohria)将它们分别称为编码化管理模式(Codification mode)和人物化管理模式(Personalization mode),前者的实施公司以爱克思、戴尔为代表,后者的实施公司以麦肯锡、M.S.K癌症中心为代表。
Revisit the Advanced tab in personalization mode to make any needed corrections.
在个性化模式下访问 Advanced 选项卡,进行必需的纠正。
The Task status column appears only if you choose the task status metric from the personalization mode.
只有在个性化模式中选择了任务状态指标的情况下,才会出现 Task status 列。
Abstract: Based on the characteristics of cost consultation, this paper establishes a process-oriented, codification and personalization mode dynamic combination knowledge management model.