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law court
[ˈlɔː kɔːt]

  • 法庭:一个由法官和陪审团等官方人员组成的团体,他们听取证据并对法律案件做出决定;也可以指代进行法律决策的建筑物或房间。



... law-breaker违法者 law-court法院 Lawfulmerchandise合法货物 ...



Law court 法庭 ; 公堂

Common Law Court 普通法院 ; 普通法法院

a law court 审判

law court of appeals 上诉法院

president of law court [法] 法庭庭长

lynch law court 私刑法庭

at law court 在公堂上

law court detail 法院

Law court of Christ 在基督面前接受审判


law court

  • n. room in which justice is administered according to the laws

    同义词: lawcourt

以上来源于: WordNet


  • They were asked to behave with the gravity that was appropriate in a court of law.



  • I'm afraid this document will never stand up in a court of law.



  • We have a witness who would swear to it in a court of law.



  • Therefore,said the high court, the sugar trust was legal and did not violate the anti-trust law.

    VOA: special.2010.06.03

  • Criminal charges against Muammar Gadhafi's son, Hannibal and his pregnant daughter-in-law were dropped after the two abused domestic servants reached an out-of court settlement and withdrew their complaint.

    VOA: standard.2009.08.23

  • The high court has also agreed to hear a case involving part of an anti-terrorism law the government says is a vital part of its effort to fight international terrorism.

    VOA: standard.2009.10.01

  • Late Tuesday, Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, the leader of the Democrat-led Assembly, said the gun-control negotiations also included talks on strengthening Kendra's Law, a 1999 law that requires people court-ordered to undergo psychiatric treatment to comply with that treatment or risk a period of involuntary commitment.

    WSJ: Cuomo Seeks Overhaul

  • Rather, she is a woman who thinks on her feet--in a law office, in court and when speaking to audiences--and happens to love shopping for shoes.

    FORBES: Clarks 'Wessex Azure' Pump, $119.95

  • Mr Spencer's son-in-law, Michael Carr, who was also taught by Mr King, told the court his father-in-law was fanatical about flying and had already achieved his fixed-wing pilot's licence.

    BBC: Rudding Park death flight pilot 'mad keen' on flying

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