...置色图 hidden 消隐方式 shading 图形阴影方式 view 设定三维图形观测点 viewmtx 观测点变换矩阵 (6)图形注释(Graph Annotation): grid 网格线 gtext 用鼠标在图上标注文本 text 在图上标注文字 title 图形标题 xlabel x 轴名标注 ylabel y 轴名标注 zlabel z...
11数据泛函函数以及ODE解算器(Function functions and ODE solvers) 12.3图形注解(Graph annotation) 3编程语言布局(Programming language constructs) ..
It includes how to understand the problem query better by using the visual AIDS provided by query formatting, annotation, reports, and the access plan graph.
This section illustrates how the query Tuner query annotation and access path graph can help you analyze access paths and SQL performance.
本部分说明Query Tuner查询注释和访问路径图如何帮助您分析访问路径和SQL性能。
So far, you've seen how you can analyze and tune a problem query with the assistance of Optim query Tuner capabilities, such as query annotation, access plan graph, and so on.
到目前为止,您已经看到如何在Optim Query Tuner各项功能的帮助下分析和调优问题查询,这些功能包括查询注释、访问计划图等等。