...寄存器 PowerPC 的应用级寄存器分为三类:通用寄存器(general-purpose register,GPR)、浮点寄存器(floating-point register [FPR] 和浮点状态和控制寄存器 [Floating-Point Status and Control Register,FPSCR])和专用寄存器(special-purpose register...
floating point register 浮点寄存器 ; 浮动小数点记录器
FPR Floating Point Register 浮点寄存器
floating point register storage FS 浮点缓存器储存
FLR FLoating C point Register 浮点寄存器
floating point status register 浮点状态寄存器
floating g point register 浮点寄存器 ; 浮动小数点记录器
floating point processor register 浮点处理机缓存器
An instruction where each parameter is independent of the others, for example, when moving data from memory to a floating-point register.
For floating-point values only, both the integer register and the floating-point register will contain the float value in case the callee expects the value in the integer registers.
An attempt was made to execute a floating point instruction when the floating point available bit in the MSR (machine status register) was disabled.