3) 剂量当量(Dose equivalent)及剂量当量率(Dose equivalent rate): 剂量当量是指生物体在射线的照射下,每公斤体重所吸收的相当能量,单位为 Sv用以衡量生物...
dose equivalent rate [核] 剂量当量率 ; 等效剂量率 ; 剂量率
collective dose equivalent [核] 集体剂量当量 ; 体剂量当量
dose equivalent limit 剂量当量极限 ; [核] 剂量当量限值
personal dose equivalent 个人剂量当量 ; 量当量
committed dose equivalent [核] 约定剂量当量 ; 待积剂量当量
ambient dose equivalent 周围剂量当量
dose equivalent index [核] 剂量当量指标 ; 剂量当量指数
directional dose equivalent 定向剂量当量
maximum permissible dose equivalent [核] 最大容许剂量当量
N a quantity that expresses the probability that exposure to ionizing radiation will cause biological effects. It is usually obtained by multiplying the dose by the quality factor of the radiation, but other factors may be considered. It is measured in sieverts (SI unit) or rems 等效剂量
Juno is expected to receive a radiation dose equivalent to more than 100 million dental X-rays.
The biggest dose equivalent that maintenance workers accepted per year is only equal to 1/2~1/3 of the dose limit value which state stipulated .
The dose equivalent limit for the individual members of public and thescientific bases for establishing this limit are investigated in this paper.