而依系数 d 12 与 d 21 的情况, 可区分为 下列三种: •合作系统 (Cooperative system): d 12< 0, d 21< 0 •竞争系统 (Competitive system): d 12 > 0, d 21 > 0 •捕食-被捕食系统(predator-prey system):d 1...
the joint stock cooperative system 股份合作制
distributed cooperative system 分布式协作系统
2-d volterra cooperative system 二维volterra互惠系统
shareholding cooperative system 股份合作制
stock cooperative system 股份合作制
stock-cooperative system 股份合作制
While the one know the knowledge relatively have no interesting about Cooperative system.
参考来源 - 基于农户金融合作行为的浙江省农村信用社产权制度创新研究Therefore, the agricultural joint-stock cooperative system to share the existing business model is a very good land management innovative ways.
参考来源 - 农用地股份合作制经营法律问题研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Since 2002, and 2003, cooperative system of countryside medical service of the new turn has begun.
The family management and stock cooperative system are the main forms of Fujian social forestry management.
Was founded in 2005, is a joint-stock cooperative system, is a professional production enterprise edge angle.