... hard palate ranphe 硬腭缝 congenital short hard palate 先天性短硬腭 cleft hard palate 硬腭裂 ...
Cleft hard palate bilateral 双侧硬腭裂
Cleft hard palate unilateral 单侧硬腭裂
closure of cleft hard palate 硬腭裂隙封闭术
Cleft hard palate with cleft soft palate 硬腭裂伴软腭裂
Cleft hard palate with cleft lip, bilateral 硬腭裂伴双侧唇裂
Cleft hard palate with cleft lip, unilateral 硬腭裂伴单侧唇裂
hard and soft cleft palate 硬软腭裂组
hard cleft palate repair 硬腭裂修复
hard palate cleft 腭板骨缺损
As a result, babies with untreated cleft lip and palate will not only develop speech defects and psychological problems later in life, but also form habits which become very hard to eliminate.
A primary clinical study proves that repairing of the hard palate cleft can improve the velopharyngeal function.