... 温柔的嗓音 a soft voice 甜美的嗓音 a sweet voice 尖细的嗓音 a thin voice ...
... a sweet voice 甜美的嗓音; 啭喉 as sweet as a pie 甜如蜜,甜美可人,讨人喜欢 as sweet as honey 甜如蜂蜜 ...
In A Sweet Voice 娇声嫩语
A Sweet Voice Asked 一个甜美声音问道
such a sweet voice 如此甜美的声音
a sweet mellow voice 圆润的嗓音
With A Sweet Girlish Voice 娇声娇气
To his surprise, he heard a sweet voice, "I am the swan. If you want to catch me, you must come to the wonderland."
The singer has a sweet voice.
"Quite a sweet voice," they all agreed.
At that moment,a rich,sweet voice came floating up from the garden.
VOA: special.2009.05.30
Breezes blow the smell of sweat and jasmine through the air, along with the sweet, mournful voice of a man in the next car singing to God.
BBC: Riding the rails like a Mumbaiker
The radio in the dining room was playing a mixture of many stations: a war voice crossed with the gabble of an advertiser, and underneath there was the sleazy music of a sweet band.
NPR: Excerpt: 'The Member of the Wedding'
It's a crowd-pleaser, and Blonsky's voice is sweet and not too piercing.
NPR: Hollywood's Musical 'Hairspray,' a Little Too Bouffant