shoot up
/ ʃuːt ʌp /
  • 简明
  • 柯林斯
  • 1、迅速上升:指某物或某人在短时间内迅速增长或提高。
  • 2、射击:用枪或其他射击武器向某物或某人开火。
  • 3、注射毒品:用针头将毒品注射到身体内。
  • 网络释义
  • 英英释义
  • 1


    ... 同本义 [surge up] 直上 [shoot up] [会计]收支账目互相抵消,或两户应支付的款项互相抵消[cancel out] ...

  • 2


    ... come to来到(某地);参加(某活动) shoot up迅速成长 focus on集中于 ...

  • 3


    暴涨(shoot up), 此释义来源于网络辞典。

  • 4


    ... ard off防止,避开 shoot up迅速上升,猛增 thro aay扔掉,抛弃;错过(机会), ...

  • 双语例句
  • 原声例句
  • 权威例句
  • 1
    If raging inflation returns, then interest rates will shoot up.
  • 2
    The embargo created panic in the West and caused oilprices to shoot up.
  • 3
    Lie down on your back and shoot up.
  • 同近义词
  • 射出;发芽;暴涨;迅速成长

    put  /  shoot out

  • 百科
  • Shoot up

    Drug injection is a method of introducing a drug into the body with a hollow needle and a syringe which is pierced through the skin into the body (usually intravenous, but also intramuscular or subcutaneous). It often applies to substance dependence and recreational drug use. This act is often colloquially referred to as "slamming", "shooting [up]", "banging", "pinning", or "jacking-up", often depending on the specific drug subculture in which the term is used (i.e. heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine).Although there are various methods of taking drugs, injection is favoured by some users as the full effects of the drug are experienced very quickly, typically in five to ten seconds. It also bypasses first-pass metabolism in the liver, resulting in a higher bioavailability for many drugs than oral ingestion would (so users get a stronger effect from the same amount of the drug). This shorter, more intense high can lead to a dependency—both physical and psychological—developing more quickly than with other methods of taking drugs. As of 2004[update], there were 13.2 million people worldwide who used injection drugs, of which 22% are from developed countries.
