/ rɪˈvjuː /
/ rɪˈvjuː /
  • 简明
  • 柯林斯
  • n.审查,检查;评论,评论文章;(时事、艺术等的)评论期刊;述评,回顾;<美>复习,温习;<美>(一门课程的)材料,练习;阅兵,阅兵式;中止快速倒带(或卷带)重放装置
  • v.仔细研究,审视;给(书、戏剧、电影等)写评论;回顾,反思;<美>(为考试而)复习,温习;<美>校阅,审核;<英>复查(病人);检阅(军队);<法律>将(判决、案件等)提交上级法院(或权力机构)复审
  • 初中/高中/CET4/CET6/考研/IELTS/TOEFL/商务英语/
    • 复数

    • 第三人称单数

    • 现在分词

    • 过去式

    • 过去分词

  • 网络释义
  • 专业释义
  • 英英释义
  • 1

    [社科] 评论

    (8) 评论(Review)即关注有关的评价服务工具。 3.

  • 2


    ...:这是SQ4R学习法中最重要的一步。在学习时要不断运用反思。自我反思和批判性思考是两种效的方法。越是对你个人有意义的内容、越是能真正引发你兴趣的内容,你记住的就越多。 第六步:复习(Review):利用回想主要概念,并借关键词及重点字或重点句的复习,达到能融会贯通,更能举一反三。

  • 3


    ...利、超市)分别记录只有在这些地方才可以执行的行动,而当你到这些地点后也就能够一目了然地知道应该做那些工作² 回顾(Reviewing):回顾也是GTD中的一个重要步骤,一般需要每周进行回顾与检查,通过回顾及检查你的所有清单并进行更新,可以确保GTD系统的运作,...

  • 4


    研究论文(article):深空探测领域具体科学技术问题的原创性研究论文。2. 学术综述review):深空探测领域或重要方向的前沿问题、关键技术突破、研究热点等的总结、概括、评价和引导性学术综述。3.

  • 双语例句
  • 原声例句
  • 权威例句
  • 1
    The case is subject to judicial review.
  • 2
    He submitted his latest novel for review.
  • 3
    The review is a brilliant piece of writing.
  • 词典短语
  • 同近义词
  • 同根词
  • 词源
  • 百科
  • Review

    A review is an evaluation of a publication, service, or company such as a movie (a movie review), video game, musical composition (music review of a composition or recording), book (book review); a piece of hardware like a car, home appliance, or computer; or an event or performance, such as a live music concert, play, musical theater show, dance show, or art exhibition. In addition to a critical evaluation, the review's author may assign the work a rating to indicate its relative merit. More loosely, an author may review current events, trends, or items in the news. A compilation of reviews may itself be called a review. The New York Review of Books, for instance, is a collection of essays on literature, culture, and current affairs. National Review, founded by William F. Buckley, Jr., is an influential conservative magazine, and Monthly Review is a long-running socialist periodical.In the scientific literature, review articles are a category of scientific paper, which provides a synthesis of research on a topic at that moment in time. A compilation of these reviews forms the core content of a 'secondary' scientific journal, with examples including Annual Reviews, the Nature Reviews series of journals and Trends. A peer review is the process by which scientists assess the work of their colleagues that has been submitted for publication in the scientific literature. A software review is also a form of peer review, by the co-workers.A consumer review refers to a review written by a consumer for a product or a service based on her experience as a user of the reviewed product. Popular sources for consumer reviews are e-commerce sites like Amazon or Zappos, and social media sites like TripAdvisor and Yelp. E-commerce sites often have consumer reviews for products and sellers separately. Usually, consumer reviews are in the form of several lines of texts accompanied by a numerical rating. This text is meant to aid in shopping decision of a prospective buyer. A consumer review of a product usually comments on how well the product measures up to expectations based on the specifications provided by the manufacturer or seller. It talks about performance, reliability, quality defects, if any, and value for money. Consumer review, also called 'word of mouth' and 'user generated content' differs from 'marketer generated content' in its evaluation from consumer or user point of view. Often it includes comparative evaluations against competing products. Observations are factual as well as subjective in nature. Consumer review of sellers usually comment on service experienced, and dependability or trustworthiness of the seller. Usually, it comments on factors such as timeliness of delivery, packaging and correctness of delivered items, shipping charges, return services against promises made, and so on.An expert review usually refers to a review written by someone who has tested several peer products or services to identify which offers the best value for money or the best set of features. A bought review is the system where the creator (usually a company) of a new product pays a reviewer to review his new product.
