pull strategy
/ pʊl ˈstrætədʒi /
  • 简明
  • 拉动策略:一种市场营销策略,通过提高消费者对产品的需求来推动产品在分销渠道中的流通。通常包括广告、促销活动等手段。
  • 网络释义
  • 专业释义
  • 1


    (4)促销战略 1、拉式促销战略——拉式战略pull strategy),是指企业应用告白、收集促销和发卖促进、品牌促销等促销体例,以最终消费者为首要促销对象,设法激起消费者对产物地兴味和需求...

  • 2


    这也是为何我们不断强调拉引策略pull strategy),即提高公共交通系统的容量,使之更可负担、更简易使用及更利民。

  • 3


    ... branding strategy品牌化战略;品牌战略;品牌策略;品牌化计谋 control strategy控制策略;防治对策;控制策略;控制 pull strategy拉式战略;拉引策略;前拉策略;拉式策略 ...

  • 双语例句
  • 权威例句
  • 1
    At the heart of the pull strategy was the need to make it easy for consumers to identify, at the point of purchase, computers that contained Intel microprocessors.
  • 2
    Thanks to its light "pull" update policy it is usually the second best performing strategy.
  • 3
    The need to pull planned functionality from a release is always a requirement using this release strategy.
  • 百科
  • Pull strategy

    The business terms push and pull originated in logistics and supply chain management, but are also widely used in marketing. Wal-Mart is an example of a company that uses the push vs. pull strategy. A push–pull system in business describes the movement of a product or information between two subjects. On markets the consumers usually "pull" the goods or information they demand for their needs, while the offerers or suppliers "push" them toward the consumers. In logistics chains or supply chains the stages are operating normally both in push- and pull-manner. Push production is based on forecast demand and pull production is based on actual or consumed demand. The interface between these stages is called the push–pull boundary or decoupling point.
