prepaid card
  • 简明
  • 预付费卡:一种可以预先充值的卡片,通常用于购买商品或服务。
  • 网络释义
  • 专业释义
  • 1


    ...绍 目录 1 预付卡介绍 1 2 第三方发卡机构 3 通卡项目实施 4 关于通联支付成功案例 5 预付卡介绍――定义预付卡(Prepaid Card)是指持卡..

  • 2


    ...起来方便快捷,深受加国消费者欢迎,如今万事达卡(MasterCard)与Visa的加国附属公司将联合推出一种新型储值卡prepaid cards),对那些无法申请信用卡的消费者极具吸引力。

  • 3


    三、预付费卡(Prepaid Card)管理 运营商Call Center管理员可随时批量生成预付费卡(Prepaid Card),其生成规则经128位算法加密,具有安全、容量大、不可...

  • 4


    往后从头进入 Google Wallet,设置新的 PIN 码,由于 Google 预支卡 ( Prepaid Card )是与设备绑定,是以进入法式榜样后添加新的 Google 预支卡 ,与该设备绑定的与 预支卡 又会原封不动地添加至 Google Wallet 里...

  • 双语例句
  • 权威例句
  • 1
    You can buy a prepaid card to control the expense.
  • 2
    A mobile phone prepaid card may also be purchased here.
  • 3
    Can the telecommunication rechargeable prepaid card charge Q currency?
  • 百科
  • Prepaid card

    A stored-value card is a payment card with a monetary value stored on the card itself, not in an external account maintained by a financial institution and differs from debit cards where money is on deposit with the issuer. Another difference between stored-value cards and debit cards is that debit cards are usually issued in the name of individual account holders, while stored-value cards are usually anonymous.The term stored-value card means the funds and or data are metaphorically 'physically' stored on the card, in the form of binary-coded data. With prepaid cards the data is maintained on the card issuer's computers. The value associated with the card can be accessed using a magnetic stripe embedded in the card, on which the card number is encoded; using radio-frequency identification (RFID); or by entering a code number, printed on the card, into a telephone or other numeric keypad.
