/ ˈmɜːdʒə(r) /
/ ˈmɜːrdʒər /
  • 简明
  • 柯林斯
  • n.(公司、组织的)合并;<法律>兼并,吸收
  • 【名】 (Merger)(法)梅尔热,(德、捷)默格(人名)
  • CET6/GMAT/商务英语/
    • 复数

  • 网络释义
  • 专业释义
  • 英英释义
  • 1


    ... 混合材种:mixed species 混合;配浆,配料:blend 混合;合并:merger ...

  • 2



  • 3


                  2. 超募率、并购与经营绩效。这里主要研究使用超募资金进行并购(Merger≠0)的子样本,进一步考察超募率的高低对公司经营绩效的影响。

  • 4

    [经] 合并


  • 双语例句
  • 原声例句
  • 权威例句
  • 1
    Plans for a merger have been scotched.
  • 2
    His justification for the merger was just hot air.
  • 3
    The merger has been on the cards for some time now.
  • 词典短语
  • 同近义词
  • 同根词
  • 词源
  • 百科
  • Merger

    Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are both aspects of strategic management, corporate finance and management dealing with the buying, selling, dividing and combining of different companies and similar entities that can help an enterprise grow rapidly in its sector or location of origin, or a new field or new location, without creating a subsidiary, other child entity or using a joint venture.M&A can be defined as a type of restructuring in that they result in some entity reorganization with the aim to provide growth or positive value. Consolidation of an industry or sector occurs when widespread M&A activity concentrates the resources of many small companies into a few larger ones, such as occurred with the automotive industry between 1910 and 1940.The distinction between a "merger" and an "acquisition" has become increasingly blurred in various respects (particularly in terms of the ultimate economic outcome), although it has not completely disappeared in all situations. From a legal point of view, a merger is a legal consolidation of two companies into one entity, whereas an acquisition occurs when one company takes over another and completely establishes itself as the new owner (in which case the target company still exists as an independent legal entity controlled by the acquirer). Either structure can result in the economic and financial consolidation of the two entities. In practice, a deal that is an acquisition for legal purposes may be euphemistically called a "merger of equals" if both CEOs agree that joining together is in the best interest of both of their companies, while when the deal is unfriendly (that is, when the target company does not want to be purchased) it is almost always regarded as an "acquisition".
