fiscal policy
  • 简明
  • 财政政策:政府的财政政策,特别是关于预算、借款的方式和时间以及与中央银行信贷政策相关的财政政策。
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    [财政] 财政政策

    顾名思义,财政政策(Fiscal Policy)是指通过国家财政收入及支出手段的调整、变化来适应和刺激国民经济的宏观运行,它的主要目标是经济增长。

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    ... 国际财务政策与程序 IFPP 财政政策,财务政策 fiscal policy 公司成长性与财务政策选择 Corporate growth and financial policy choices ...

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    ...析 - 艺术论文发表 - xzbu.com 中国论文网 关键词 向量误差修正模型;方差分解;财税政策 [gap=10077]Key words fiscal policy;vector autoregression model;variance decomposition ...

  • 双语例句
  • 原声例句
  • 权威例句
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    Now that fiscal policy is back on the table, economists are fighting over the size of the ripple effect.
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    Fiscal policy has its limits.
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    Fiscal policy is far more complex.
  • 同近义词
  • 百科
  • Fiscal Policy

    In economics and political science, fiscal policy is the use of government revenue collection (mainly taxes) and expenditure (spending) to influence the economy. According to Keynesian economics, when the government changes the levels of taxation and government spending, it influences aggregate demand and the level of economic activity. Fiscal policy can be used to stabilize the economy over the course of the business cycle.The two main instruments of fiscal policy are changes in the level and composition of taxation and government spending in various sectors. These changes can affect the following macroeconomic variables, amongst others, in an economy:Fiscal policy can be distinguished from monetary policy, in that fiscal policy deals with taxation and government spending and is often administered by an executive under laws of a legislature, whereas monetary policy deals with the money supply, lending rates and interest rates and is often administered by a central bank.
