/ ˈeθnɪk /
/ ˈeθnɪk /
  • 简明
  • 柯林斯
  • adj.(有关)种族的,民族的;少数民族的;具有民族特色的,异国风味的;既非基督教亦非犹太教的,异教徒的
  • n.少数民族成员,某民族群体的人
    • 复数

  • 网络释义
  • 专业释义
  • 英英释义
  • 1


    ... 众多的,大批的,无 数的:numerous 种族的;人种学的:ethnic 种的:racial ...

  • 2


    ... nationality n. 国籍,民族 ethnic adj. 人种的,种族的 Latin America 拉丁美洲(美国以南的所有美洲), 南美洲 ...

  • 3


    ... escort n.护送者,护卫者,护航舰vt.护卫,护送 esteem n.尊敬,尊重vt.尊敬,尊重,认为 ethnic a.民族特有的 evade vt.逃避,躲避 ...

  • 4


    ...的野蛮人——那些草原上的民族的对抗。为了给漫长的斗争提供精神支柱,需要一个对敌人系统而有条理的诬蔑......描述民族(ethnic) 的许多套..

  • 双语例句
  • 原声例句
  • 权威例句
  • 1
    Ethnic tensions among the republics could lead to civil war.
  • 2
    They have redrawn the country's boundaries along ethnic lines.
  • 3
    The violence was the result of political and ethnic conflicts.
  • 词典短语
  • 同近义词
  • 同根词
  • 词源
  • 百科
  • Ethnic

    An ethnic group or ethnicity is a socially defined category of people who identify with each other based on common ancestral, social, cultural or national experience. Membership of an ethnic group tends to be defined by a shared cultural heritage, ancestry, origin myth, history, homeland, language and/or dialect and sometimes ideology, manifests itself through symbolic systems such as religion, mythology and ritual, cuisine, dressing style, physical appearance, etc.The largest ethnic groups in modern times comprise hundreds of millions of individuals (Han Chinese being the largest), while the smallest are limited to a few dozen individuals (numerous indigenous peoples worldwide). Larger ethnic groups may be subdivided into smaller sub-groups known variously as tribes or clans, which over time may become separate ethnic groups themselves due to endogamy and/or physical isolation from the parent group. Conversely, formerly separate ethnicities can merge to form a pan-ethnicity, and may eventually merge into one single ethnicity. Whether through division or amalgamation, the formation of a separate ethnic identity is referred to as ethnogenesis.Depending on which source of group identity is emphasized to define membership, the following types of ethnic groups can be identified:In many cases – for instance, the sense of Jewish peoplehood – more than one aspect determines membership.Ethnic groups derived from the same historical founder population often continue to speak related languages and share a similar gene pool. By way of language shift, acculturation, adoption and religious conversion, it is possible for some individuals or groups to leave one ethnic group and become part of another (except for ethnic groups emphasizing racial purity as a key membership criterion).Ethnicity is often used synonymously with ambiguous terms such as nation or people.
