consumer base
  • 简明
  • 顾客基础:一家公司或品牌的顾客基础,即购买该公司或品牌产品或服务的人群。
  • 网络释义
  • 1


    英语翻译(用翻译器的就不用进来了) - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 关键词】日本料理店;客流量;消费群; [gap=984]Key Words: Japanese restaurant, consumer flow, consumer base

  • 双语例句
  • 权威例句
  • 1
    The truly successful webmasters will learn from this and scale their operations to fit their consumer base.
  • 2
    Our economic recovery at home will depend on exports and the ability of American firms to tap into the vast and growing consumer base of Asia.
  • 3
    Says Mary Bergstrom, founder of Bergstrom Group, a Shanghai consultancy: "What Disney is doing now in China is growing a future consumer base."
  • 百科
  • Consumer base

    The customer base is the group of customers who repeatedly purchase the goods or services of a business. These customers are a main source of revenue for a company. The customer base may be considered the business's target market, where customer behaviors are well understood through market research or past experience. Relying on a customer base can make growth and innovation difficult.Companies with a customer base consisting mainly of large companies may increase their customer base by pursuing small and mid-size companies.
