body language
/ ˈbɒdi læŋɡwɪdʒ /
  • 简明
  • 柯林斯
  • 身体语言:人或动物通过姿势、动作和举止与他人进行交流的方式。
  • 网络释义
  • 专业释义
  • 英英释义
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    形体语言,或称肢体语言(Body Language)是人们在社会活动中,除语言符号系统外,用以表达思想,情感,态度,意向等或传递知识技能以及信息内涵的行为和方式的总和。

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    六、铃星铃星阴阳五行属阴火,铃星入命宫其龟毛(诡谲)表现在命宫之作为与不作为,换言之,观察其身体语言body language)即可一目了然,例如:A命宫座天梁、铃星,其个性孤高外又带有洁廦,在外聚餐使用之碗筷必经其擦拭再三,方敢使用。

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    神经(neuro)指眼、耳、鼻、舌、身等五种感官,它调节人们的身体功能;语言(hnguistic)是指人们使用词汇或身势语(body language)等来表达意义的能力,语言决定人们使用何种方式来与其他人交往;程序(programming)指人类思考和感觉等习惯性行动,程序能影响人们的...

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    人类交际是语言交际和非语言交际的结合,而体态语(body language)是非语言交际的一种形式,指的是人们在交际过程中人体任何一个部位辅助语言交流的表情或举止。

  • 双语例句
  • 原声例句
  • 权威例句
  • 1
    I can tell by your body language that you're happy with the decision.
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    Body language can also be used to attract members of the opposite sex.
  • 3
    These can be verbal cues or even body language.
  • 同近义词
  • 百科
  • Body Language

    Body language refers to various forms of nonverbal communication, where in a person may reveal clues as to some unspoken intention or feeling through their physical behavior. These behaviors include (but are not limited to) facial expressions, body posture, gestures, eye movement, touch and the use of space. Body language exists in both animals and humans, but this article focuses on interpretations of human body language. It is also known as kinesics.Body language must not be confused with sign language, as sign languages are full languages like spoken languages and have their own complex grammar systems, as well as being able to exhibit the fundamental properties that exist in all languages. Body language, on the other hand, does not have a grammar and must be interpreted broadly, instead of having an absolute meaning corresponding with a certain movement, so it is not a language like sign language, and is simply termed as a "language" due to popular culture.In a community, there are agreed-upon interpretations of particular behavior. Interpretations may vary from country to country, or culture to culture. On this note, there is controversy on whether body language is universal. Body language, a subset of nonverbal communication, complements verbal communication in social interaction. In fact some researchers conclude that nonverbal communication accounts for the majority of information transmitted during interpersonal interactions. It helps to establish the relationship between two people and regulates interaction, but can be ambiguous. Hence, it is crucial to accurately read body language to avoid misunderstanding in social interactions.
