base money
/ beɪs ˈmʌni /
  • 简明
  • 基础货币
  • 网络释义
  • 专业释义
  • 1


    基础货币base money),即流通中的现金和商业银行准备金的总和。由于商业银行准备金具有货币创造的功能,所以每一单位基础货币的增加,会导致数倍的货币...

  • 2


    ... base money 基准货币 money base 货币基础; 货币基椿银基; 银基 adjustment of monetary base 吞吐基础货币 ...

  • 3


    大家懂得,"存储货币(reserve money)"也就是"根蒂根基货币(base money)",首要由两个部分构成:⑴货币刊行,⑵金融机构存款。

  • 双语例句
  • 权威例句
  • 1
    If the ratio of broad to base money were constant, such fears would be warranted.
  • 2
    In coming weeks, base money supply growth is set to accelerate by as much as 15-20%.
    未来几周,基础货币供应量的增长速度将提高15% - 20%。
  • 3
    Central Banks are producing more base money and reducing the quality of their assets.
  • 百科
  • Base money

    In economics, the monetary base (also base money, money base, high-powered money, reserve money, or, in the UK, narrow money) in a country is defined as the portion of the commercial banks' reserves that are maintained in accounts with their central bank plus the total currency circulating in the public (which includes the currency, also known as vault cash, that is physically held in the banks' vault).The monetary base should not be confused with the money supply which consists of the total currency circulating in the public plus the non-bank deposits with commercial banks.
