agency problem
  • 简明
  • 代理问题:指在委托代理关系中,代理人可能会出于自身利益而不是委托人利益行事的问题。
  • 网络释义
  • 专业释义
  • 1


    在信息不对称的情况下,由于效用函数的不一致,就会产生代理问题(Agency Problem),即因信息分布不对称而引起的委托人和代理人利益的偏离和冲突。

  • 2


    代理人问题(agency problem)是指由于 不确定性和信息不对称的存在,代理人的目标函数与委托人 的目标函数不一致,代理人可能偏离委托人目标函数,委托 人难以...

  • 3


    公司治理中的代理问题-经济论文-论文中心 关键词:公司治理,委托代理 [gap=1084]Keywords:Corporategovernance,agencyproblem

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  • 双语例句
  • 原声例句
  • 权威例句
  • 1
    This creates an agency problem.
  • 2
    Therefore, sound corporate governance may help solve the agency problem.
  • 3
    Based on these analyses, the agency problem of listed corporate in China is discussed.
  • 百科
  • Agency problem

    The principal–agent problem or agency dilemma occurs when one person or entity (the "agent") is able to make decisions that impact, or on behalf of, another person or entity: the "principal". The dilemma exists because sometimes the agent is motivated to act in his own best interests rather than those of the principal. The agent-principal relationship is a useful analytic tool in political science and economics, but may also apply to other areas.Common examples of this relationship include corporate management (agent) and shareholders (principal), or politicians (agent) and voters (principal). For another example, consider a dental patient (the principal) wondering whether his dentist (the agent) is recommending expensive treatment because it is truly necessary for the patient's dental health, or because it will generate income for the dentist. In fact the problem potentially arises in almost any context where one party is being paid by another to do something, whether in formal employment or a negotiated deal such as paying for household jobs or car repairs.The problem arises where the two parties have different interests and asymmetric information (the agent having more information), such that the principal cannot directly ensure that the agent is always acting in its (the principal's) best interests, particularly when activities that are useful to the principal are costly to the agent, and where elements of what the agent does are costly for the principal to observe. Moral hazard and conflict of interest may arise. Indeed, the principal may be sufficiently concerned at the possibility of being exploited by the agent that he chooses not to enter into a transaction at all, when that deal would have actually been in both parties' best interests: a suboptimal outcome that lowers welfare overall. The deviation from the principal's interest by the agent is called "agency costs".Various mechanisms may be used to align the interests of the agent with those of the principal. In employment, employers (principal) may use piece rates/commissions, profit sharing, efficiency wages, performance measurement (including financial statements), the agent posting a bond, or the threat of termination of employment.
