/ ˈæsiæn /
/ ˈæsiæn /
  • 简明
  • 柯林斯
  • abbr.东南亚国家联盟(东盟)(Association of Southeast Asian Nations)
  • 网络释义
  • 专业释义
  • 英英释义
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     东南亚国家联盟(Association Of Southeast Asian Nations)

    ...此背景下,Will回顾了在冷战高峰期发生的一些事件。1972年,美国与苏联达成协议,规定了战舰在公海遭遇其它船只时应当如何行动。此份协议的目的在于避免发生结果不可预知的事件。 Will认为,由于当前东海的领海争端要比当年美苏间的矛盾小得多,现在迫切需要一份类似于当年美苏协议的协议。他同时认为,这样的协议应当是多边的,并适用于这一地区的整体。 然而,达成这一协议的计划似乎尚不存在。即使东南亚国家联盟(东盟ASEAN)也没有在其成员国间设立一致原则,虽然作为官方机构,这一组织为安全层面上的合作在努力。

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    即使印度洋地区目前仍不太可能 出现类似东南亚国协(ASEAN) 那样的区域整合,但由印度主导的南 亚区域合作联盟(SAARC,早在1985 年就已经成立) 是迄今唯一的 南亚国家间合作平台,也是唯一...

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    ...整合的经验也 值得其他有意进行区域整合的地区借镜与參考,例如东南亚国家协会(Association of South East Asian Nations, ASEAN)即表明将考虑采用欧洲整合模式进行东南亚的区 域整合。

  • 双语例句
  • 原声例句
  • 权威例句
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    Third, support the integration of ASEAN.
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    Yet another dispute divides China and ASEAN.
  • 3
    Japanese aid to ASEAN countries is growing, too.
  • 词典短语
  • 百科

    The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN /ˈɑːsi.ɑːn/ AH-see-ahn, /ˈɑːzi.ɑːn/ AH-zee-ahn) is a political and economic organisation of ten countries located in Southeast Asia, which was formed on 8 August 1967 by Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. Since then, membership has expanded to include Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar (Burma) and Vietnam. Its aims include accelerating economic growth, social progress, sociocultural evolution among its members, protection of regional peace and stability, and opportunities for member countries to discuss differences peacefully.ASEAN covers a land area of 4.46 million km², which is 3% of the total land area of Earth, and has a population of approximately 600 million people, which is 8.8% of the world's population. The sea area of ASEAN is about three times larger than its land counterpart. In 2012, its combined nominal GDP had grown to more than US$2.3 trillion. If ASEAN were a single entity, it would rank as the seventh largest economy in the world, behind the US, China, Japan, Germany, France and the United Kingdom..
