  • 翻译

Old shoes in new shoes


  • 网络释义
  • 1

     change in

    穿小鞋 make it hot for; make trouble for 穿新鞋走老路 wearing new shoes to walk on the old path; change in 穿针引线 act as go-between ..

  • 2

     change in form but not in content

    穿新鞋走老路 wearing new shoes to walk on the old path; change in form but not in content; put old wine in new wineskins 穿针引线 act as go-between .

  • 3

     wearing new shoes to walk on the old path

    穿新鞋走老路 wearing new shoes to walk on the old path; change in form but not in content; put old wine in new wineskins 穿针引线 act as go-between .

  • 4

     put old wine in new wineskins

    ...穿新鞋走老路 wearing new shoes to walk on the old path; change in form but not in content; put old wine in new wineskins 穿针引线 act as go-between ..

  • 双语例句
  • 1
    在新形势下, 有些人仍然在穿新鞋, 走老路
    Under new situations and circumstances, some people persist in handling matter according to past experience and old habits.