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Long hair, short vision


  • 网络释义
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     long hair little brains

    ... 温故而知新 look for the old so as to learn the new 头发长见识短 long hair little brains 谋事在人,成事在天 man proposes, god disposes ...

  • 2

     All hair and no substance

    头发长见识短All hair and no substance. 我的初吻白马王子The one who was walking around with my first kiss.

  • 双语例句
  • 1
    最新的研究显示了另一种联系:相对于“头发见识”(dumb blonde)的老观念,美貌的人似乎也要聪明一些。
    And more recent work has demonstrated another association. Contrary to the old jokes about dumb blondes, beautiful people seem to be cleverer, too.