Smaller not only in dimensions but also in file size - this is even more important.
This is even more important for women, says Dr. Oz, because we generally have less muscle mass than men.
This is even more important in our digital age, where there are so many people vying for our attention and so many ways to be distracted.
This much is uncertain: the future of the mines which supply this gold, an even more important factor in gold shortage arguments.
There is, however, another element possessed by the best work, which is even more important as a source of happiness than is the exercise of skill. This is the element of constructiveness.
Perhaps even more important than receiving information on the go is the ability to filter and receive this information from a live human being.
Figuring this out fast is even more important, particularly if a production server has developed a problem and this is now impeding business.
Even more important, this new phenomenon is enabling business leaders to regain the trust and credibility they have lost over the last 10 years.
This becomes even more important when network speed is low, network traffic is high, or the size of the Web pages is large.
This is a less sunny restatement of benefit number 1, but it is perhaps even more important.
This upgrade is even more effective when trying to hold an area because when defending hit points becomes more important than firepower.
An even more important factor is that, as demonstrated by all this week's attention on Volkswagen, cars are more heavily regulated than consumer electronics.
NOTE: Following this guideline means picking descriptive names is even more important than before.
But unlike your on-the-job performance review, the purpose of this article is to suggest you consider conducting an even more important assessment -- taking stock of your career.
"Nature" factor occupy important position among 1978-1988 novels, but less and not enough overall articles expounded the fact to go on this, there is not a monograph in this respect even more.
“自然”因素在1978- 1988的小说中占据着重要的位置,但对此进行论述的文章较少且不够全面,更无这方面的专著。
Unlike my classmate, however, I plan to major in Psychology at university so this course is even more important.
When the technology needed to facilitate this direct linkage is developed, SANs will become even more important to network managers.
After this, speaking is even more important. So the key point of how to improve your English is.
This is a great habit to form now because it becomes even more important when you get to college.
Due to this the workpieces can easily be released from the chuck, any chips are easy to remove, and, even more important, separate demagnetization of the workpiece is no longer required.
Certainly we can learn much from Nehemiah, yet what is even more important is to see how God, through this book and Nehemiah, shows us his redemptive work in human history.
But it is even more likely that what you don't say will be held against you, so it is very important at this time to say everything that has to be said.
This dates me, but I think it is even more important today than 20 years ago.
This graduation ceremony marks the end of your studies here, and I am sure you are all glad that it has been completed. However, the nest step is even more important and challenging.
This upgrade is even more effective when trying to hold an area because when defending hit points becomes more important than firepower.
At times like this, it is even more important for Singaporeans to pull together as a nation.
At times like this, it is even more important for Singaporeans to pull together as a nation.