Its getting late, I should better hit the sack, until next time, have a good life folks.
But the long-term consequences of sleep deprivation should be enough to convince anyone to hit the sack.
Magnesium boasts numerous relaxing properties that can help you fall asleep the moment you hit the sack.
If you try to resolve everything before you hit the sack, you'll both be sleep-deprived and cranky the next day.
Skipping a sleep cycle can make you feel exhausted the next day, so don't have too many and be sure to hit the sack early.
Ok, now go hit the sack, but after tomorrow's test we will have to study seriously for next week's test, no more goofing off.
M: Ok, now go hit the sack, but after tomorrow's test we will have to study seriously for next week's test, no more goofing off.
Ok, now go hit the sack, but after tomorrow "s test we will have to study seriously for next week" s test, no more goofing off.
If they like to have the lights out by nine and you don't usually hit the sack until midnight, there is no need to sit down with them and have a big, dramatic talk.
Getting in a little gentle restorative yoga before you hit the sack can help put your mind at ease steady your breath and reduce muscle tension without revving up your heart.
Getting in a little gentle, restorative yoga before you hit the sack can help put your mind at ease, steady your breath, and reduce muscle tension without revving up your heart.
Getting in a little gentle, restorative yoga before you hit the sack can help put your mind at ease, steady your breath, and reduce muscle tension without revving up your heart.