Great organisations need time to cook up world-changing ideas.
She can cook up delicious kiddie snacks, but not full-course meals.
I love to cook. I love to cook up a storm and see loved ones finish it.
Please don't cook up such silly story before me. I've fed up with that!
The SPD chief, Kurt Beck, even says his party will cook up cuts of its own.
Know how life is going on, we also know how cook up a pot of a clear mind of coffee.
Speaking of chili, crockpots are an efficient, low-cost way to cook up some tasty meals.
I'd better cook up a good story for my late more than one hour, or I'll be in big trouble.
Think of your old favorites - those standard meals that you have on hand to cook up in a pinch.
If you're working out in the early or late afternoon, cook up some salmon for lunch or dinner.
You can also reuse new domains created by others, expanding the variety of what you can cook up.
We fear we might fail and that fear leads us to cook up stories about why you can't have what you want.
The dish of the month is Apache Geronimo, so get your kitchen organized and let's cook up a feast.
"What's missing is Germany leading rather than seeing what Paris and London cook up," says a NATO diplomat.
Have everybody get comfy, throw on some fun music, and cook up breakfast for dinner while Mom gets to relax.
Okay Smithee and now how's about we relax and enjoy ourselves and cook up some supper and wait for ole Morleree?
Then, in the second half of November, Mars will begin to cook up some amazing sparks in the same area of your chart.
"Tell me why you were late getting to school, and don't cook up a story that I won't believe," Matthew's mother said.
Cook up a splendid dinner together. Even a simple pasta would work; buy dessert from the bakery in the grocery store.
Guests need to cook up cake, then add butter, if not produced, the right side could be thrown into the bin and then rework.
Nevertheless, the dark is not yet ready to concede defeat and its minions continue to cook up schemes to delay the inevitable.
Consider taking an adventurous vacation to a place you've never been this month - Mars and Venus will cook up something amazing and memorable.
This "Cook up Web sites fast with CakePHP" series is designed for PHP application developers who want to start using CakePHP to make their lives easier.
Economic theory has become so eclectic that ingenious researchers can usually cook up a plausible model to explain whatever empirical results they find interesting.
What we need is a floating zendo, where an old Bodhisattva can wander from place to place and always be sure to find a spot to sleep in among friends and cook up mush.
If you are already married, the two of you may cook up a brand new goal to work on together, and in so doing find your relationship is energized and revitalized almost instantly!
Presently the bird came in and wanted to serve up the dinner, but he could nowhere see the cook.
Presently the bird came in and wanted to serve up the dinner, but he could nowhere see the cook.