• When they do that they can actually engulf the bacteria in a process called phagocytosis and break them down into antigens.


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  • So a vaccine is designed in order to engage that biology, in order to provide antigens that will stimulate specifically your immune system.

    所以疫苗的作用就是参与这个生理活动,提供抗原 来刺激你的免疫系统

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  • They're just antigens that belong to you and so you don't normally mount an immune response to antigens that are part of you.


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  • Any molecule can be an antigen; the food that you eat is full of antigens, microbes that try to live in your body are full of antigens.


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  • That shouldn't be too surprising given what we talked about last week, that your immune system, the adaptive immune system in particular, responds to individual antigens differently.


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  • So, antigens are molecules or pieces of molecules that stimulate an immune response.

    所以 抗原是可以激发免疫反应的,分子或分子碎片

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  • We're going to - one of the reasons why you'll see why cell mediated responses are important is because antigens can appear in your body in different ways.


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  • Pieces of your own cells are antigens as well.


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  • It can separate between what's part of yourself and what's foreign, and it does that by presenting, by recognizing antigens that are presented in the context of the major histocompatibility complex, MHC.


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  • It's the way, for example, that foreign molecules or antigens get presented to cells of your immune system in order to start the process of making an immune response, so sometimes a cell/cell interaction.


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  • We're going to talk a lot about antibodies over the next week or so, but antibodies are specialized proteins that, as you know, are designed to bind to antigens or foreign molecules inside the body.


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  • So, our bodies are capable of making antibodies that are tuned for all the potential antigens that we come into contact with, That's amazing that we have this capacity to respond and you respond only when needed.

    所以 我们的身体具有制造抗体的能力,这些抗体对于各种潜在抗原具有特异性,我们具有只在需要时做出,免疫反应的能力 这太让人惊叹了

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  • We're going to talk about this kind of non-covalent interaction more when we talk about the immune system, because one example of ligand and receptors that's important in the immune system are antigens - foreign molecules, and antibodies - molecules that we produce.


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  • If there were just-- if you were trying to create a positive reaction of antigens and it showed up naturally wouldn't it create this reaction anyway in terms of your body would create antibodies like the secondary response volume to antibodies?


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  • So, these memory cells are a way that your immune system keeps track of antigens that it's been exposed to for even if maybe the plasma cells that were producing antibody in response to the initial exposure have died and disappeared.


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  • You could probably find some antigens that don't follow exactly this behavior, but in general, this is the kind of behavior you would see on first exposure to an antigen or vaccine, called the primary exposure, and on subsequent exposure to an antigen or vaccine called the boost.


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  • They know that these cells are harboring the virus because those cells have foreign antigens on their MHC1.


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  • They're capable of recognizing MHC1 together with foreign antigens.


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  • The other thing that it does is that when a virus is inside these cells making its proteins, some of those proteins get processed or digested into small fragments that are themselves antigens.


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  • Those antigens get expressed together with MHC1.


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  • Then those antigens get expressed with MHC just like they did in all the other cells inside the host, but particular cells of the innate immune system have a different kind of MHC called MHC2.


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