The resistant strain has been observed mostly in Hawaii, Massachusetts and Texas.
So any spread of a Tamiflu-resistant strain of the illness is a serious public health concern.
Total 6 sequences were obtained, of which 4 were from susceptible strain and 2 from resistant strain.
By breeding mice with an absence of TREK-1, researchers were able create a depression-resistant strain.
This study demonstrates that resistant strain indicates fitness costs when feeding on conventional cotton leaves.
When HIV becomes resistant to HAART, other drug combinations must be used to try to suppress the resistant strain of HIV.
Synergism of DEF PBO SV1 and S2 to fenvalerate were measured against susceptible and resistant strain of Helicoverpa armigera.
以敏感和抗性棉铃虫为试虫,比较测定了DEF、PBO、SV1 和S2对氰戊菊酯的增效作用。
It appeared that in that country the disease was caused by an antibiotic-resistant strain of E. coli that was transmitted by the boar.
To see what was going on, he labelled the doxycycline-resistant strain with a yellow protein and the sensitive strain with a blue protein.
The detection of susceptible and resistant strain and their backcrossing heterozygosis with PCR in laboratory validate above presumption.
Maybe these patients have a totally different problem-not a resistant strain, but a strain that is actively blocking interferon response.
Methods: Strains of the tissue around the implant were tested and effects of nine load locations were analyzed by resistant strain method.
Watch out for any changes... e. g. a change from mixed cocci with a few rods to primarily large Numbers of rods may indicate emergence of a resistant strain.
But natural selection is a powerful force, and if the spread of the disease means they have to be used widely, a resistant strain of the virus could easily evolve.
A new, highly drug-resistant strain of the "flesh-eating" MRSA bacteria is being spread among gay men in San Francisco and Boston, researchers reported on Monday.
Some strains were cross-resistant. Conclusions They are first-line drugs to treat typhoid fever, especially typhoid fever caused by multiple drug-resistant strain.
If you've ever taken antibiotics to get rid of an infection, you know it's important to complete the course of treatment-to limit the possibility that a resistant strain will arise.
There was a major flu outbreak, and a Tamiflu-resistant strain of seasonal flu established itself and then spread to the Northern Hemisphere, including to the United States, last winter.
Of 133 phones belonging to patients and their visitors at a Turkish hospital, more than three quarters were carrying staph bacteria—and one phone had the multi-drug-resistant strain MRSA.
They found that the ability of the resistant bacteria to compete depended on the mutations they had acquired to become resistant, as well as their genetic strain.
An HIV strain resistant to all protease inhibitor drugs currently on the market turns up in San Francisco.
Some people fear there may be worse to come: that a strain of resistant bacterium might start an epidemic for which no treatment was available.
Some people fear there may be worse to come: that a strain of resistant bacterium might start an epidemic for which no treatment was available.