• 炼狱中的亡灵做的祷告

    Prayers were said for souls in purgatory.


  • 亡灵礁最大乐趣之一就是没有需要遵守当地礼仪风俗习惯,不用陪同者

    One of the great joys of Little Deadman's Cay was that there were no local rituals or folkways to observe, no minders to look after.


  • 世界各地,人们各种不同方式祭奠亡灵其中有的庄严肃穆,有的却狂野热情。

    In other parts of the globe, spirits of the departed are honored in various wayssome solemn and some wild. Here are seven ways in which the dead might be venerated.


  • 可以着装随意,可以会议上啤酒,可以游戏,也可以工作室boss的60亡灵法师聊天

    Dress is almost always casual, and drinking beer at meetings, playing video games, and talking to the studio President about his level 60 undead mage are common.


  • 符文武器上镶嵌枚符文,一定几率亡灵生物造成而外的火焰伤害使之昏迷5

    Affixes your rune weapon with a rune that has a chance to strike undead for extra Fire damage and stun them for 5 sec. Modifying your rune weapon requires a Rune Forge in Ebon Hold.


  • 唯一生存机会现金解锁额外的房间购买强大的武器你对亡灵的无尽斗争

    Your only chance for survival is to kill for cash, letting you unlock additional rooms or purchase more powerful weapons in your endless fight against the undead.


  • 经过数月的漫长准备克尔苏加德率领诅咒教派伦发起一轮攻击,释放亡灵瘟疫

    After preparing for many long months, Kel'Thuzad and his Cult of the Damned finally struck the first blow by releasing the plague of undeath upon Lordaeron.


  • 亡灵种族特性被修改以便特性一致,而且亡灵玩家现在被认为是人形目标不死目标。

    Undead racial traits have changed to be more consistent with the new traits and Undead players are now considered Humanoid targets rather than Undead targets.


  • 第二天大清早,先前亡灵们准备的那些,会河里海里因为人们认为这些东西会走运的。

    In the early morning, the food that had been laid out for the dead is thrown into a river or into the sea as it is considered unlucky for anyone living to eat it.


  • 虽然玩家可以通过杀死复活自己角色避免成为亡灵但是玩家可能甚至常常愿意再次感染

    Although the player is OK, become the soul of a deceased person through kill and reviving his part will avoid, but player still likelihood, often be willing to be affected again even.


  • 无辜亡灵嘲讽侮辱,你对生命没有起码尊重全世界看到了灵魂肮脏,十几亿同时诅咒你!

    You on the innocent Souls of ridicule and humiliation, at least you did not respect life, the whole world to see your soul of the dirty, more than 1 billion people at the same time curse you!


  • 门洞边沿黄泉之不断地滴着顺着流下,汇入晦暗中,宛如亡灵鸣泣的低空旷回荡在这里

    Openings edge of Death's constant dripping of water, along the shed door profiles, import dull the springs, it sound like a dead-ming sob's crooning, empty reverberating here.


  • 凯拉海盗们的最后一次嬉戏并没有解决上一部“亡灵宝藏”出现的任何个大问题(不会出现海盗第四部里了)。

    Keira's last dalliance with the Pirates franchise (she's not returning for Part IV) failed to resolve any off the major problems that Dead Man's Chest encountered.


  • 下一秒,趁着亡灵战士愤怒回头瞬间背后,把他的动作,我转身丛林避开他们视线

    Is next, take Wu to work properly warrior exasperation turn head of moment, I one feet Chuai up his behind, his perform a to stop, I turn round Lue into the bush and avert from their views.


  • 因此概括地说,目前加、燃烧军团还有亡灵天灾依然艾泽拉斯造成非常实际威胁凡间种族却还未意识到一点。

    So, in summary, currently the Naga, Burning Legion, and Undead Scourge pose very real threats to Azeroth still, the mortal races simply don't realize it yet.


  • 墨西哥除了万圣节ElDiaDelosMuertos,即亡灵大概对美国来说最为了解鬼节

    Aside from Halloween, Mexico's el Dia DE los Muertos (Day of the Dead) is perhaps the most known celebration of the departed by those in the U.S..


  • 这个天赋现在将会影响光明涌动能量灌注灵感精神分流昏厥漂浮术束缚亡灵虚弱,虚弱妖术希望符记。

    Silent Resolve:This talent now affects Surge of Light, Power Infusion, Inspiration, Spirit Tap, Blackout, Levitate, Shackle Undead, Touch of Weakness, Hex of Weakness, and Symbol of Hope.


  • 备注亡灵巫师墓地势力选择作为女神但是他们对于亚莎的力量特性的认知扭曲的,亚莎死亡面的态。

    Note: The Necromancers (Necropolis faction) have chosen Asha as their patron-deity. However, their vision of her powers and attributes is twisted, a perversion of her death-dealing nature.


  • 现实不见经传瑞典人网络虚拟世界却是魔兽世界“欧洲Sylvanas服务器亡灵法师

    Vurtne " the Swede that an unknown is in reality, and in the network fictitious world he is however " demon animal world " a of European Sylvanas server male the soul of a deceased person rabbi.


  • 启示录15个月幸存者被迫所废弃学校避难在那里他们遇到了一个神秘僵尸能力亡灵回到生活中

    15 months after the apocalypse, a group of survivors are forced to take refuge in an abandoned school, where they encounter a mysterious zombie with the power to bring the undead back to life.


  • 理查德·蒂尔·伯里(66页)继续我们繁忙一个月我们继续我们绘画系列亡灵部分中,我们僵尸

    Richard Tilbury (p. 66) continues his busy month with us as we continue our Painting the Undead series, and in this part we look at flesh eating Zombies!


  • 很棒很多选手都实现了有效练习认为只是欧洲韩国亡灵更好一点因为这里亡灵运用不同的方法和风格

    Sase: Very good, most of the players give very useful practise, only the undeads are better in Europe and Korea I think, because the undeads here uses a very different style.


  • 亡灵回归这个新的挤满发布令人兴奋的,愚笨的动物武器拼图喜怒无常环境包裹一个漂亮的,球员友好的软件包

    The undead return in this new, jam-packed release with exciting, brainless creatures, weapons, puzzles, moody environments all wrapped up in a slick, player-friendly package.


  • 抵抗天灾事迹成为了个传奇敢于走进亡灵大军的混战中,高举灰烬使者,却不会受一点伤——他身后留下只有灰烬

    His exploits against the Scourge became legendary; he could go into battle against legions of the undead, Ashbringer held high, and emerge unscathed - leaving only ashes in his wake.


  • 尽管现在是亡灵,但对克西没有准丈夫复活仍然不能原谅。她也只有在被许诺给予战场上第一滴血的时候才会她的女主人合作

    Although undead she has still not forgiven Xsi for not raising her husband-to-be from the dead and she cooperates with her mistress only if she is promised with the first blood of battle.


  • 尽管现在是亡灵,但对克西没有准丈夫复活仍然不能原谅。她也只有在被许诺给予战场上第一滴血的时候才会她的女主人合作

    Although undead she has still not forgiven Xsi for not raising her husband-to-be from the dead and she cooperates with her mistress only if she is promised with the first blood of battle.


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