For example, the company was quick to utilize YouTube to proclaim its 88% solution.
But it is one thing to proclaim good intentions, quite another to carry them out.
That was what she wanted to say not to confess but to proclaim to all the land.
Slovenia, along with Croatia, was the first republic to proclaim independence from Yugoslavia in 1991.
ECONOMIST: Paying a price for recognising Kosovo's independence
It is bad form, generally, to proclaim the superiority of European politicians over American ones.
Not all is quite as rosy, of course, as his perky public-relations machine likes to proclaim.
Paintings were used to proclaim political and religious messages (often one and the same).
That way they will be able to proclaim their saintliness in a form that all can see.
They are allowing Mr Rodriguez to proclaim the idea only because, for the moment, it suits everybody.
Yet she uses this evidence to proclaim the importance of said minimum wage.
FORBES: On the New York Times Stupidity Over Amazon's Mechanical Turk
In doing so, it has abandoned most of the Hindu-nationalist nostrums of swadeshi (self-reliance) that it used to proclaim.
And while many were quick to proclaim Phelps the greatest Olympian of all time, he has some ways to go.
Then there may be some unexpected flashes of architectural beauty or urban richness or civic meaning to proclaim New York's survival.
You might say that the line "we come to proclaim an end to ... false promises" was itself a false promise.
Successive American presidents have continued to proclaim human rights, democracy and the rule of law as the guiding values of their foreign policy.
Despite China's tea culture, Starbucks successfully established itself as a public venue in which professional tribes gather to proclaim their affiliation with the new-generation elite.
Rather, in the wake of his disclosures, everyone from Netanyahu to Defense Minister Ehud Barak has continued to proclaim daily their dedication to reaching a peace accord with Abbas.
Using personal offense as a standard for censoring speech is a surefire way to destroy the very freedom of speech that allows us to proclaim that sense of offense.
FORBES: Harvard, Legendary Home Of Harvard Lampoon, Strangles Campus Satire
Productivity is high enough for Mike MacCarthy, head of the Cape Film and Video Foundation, to proclaim that the Cape is destined to become the film-making capital of Africa.
This break with past thinking might have been enough to prompt some past national security advisers to proclaim (in charismatic Central European tones) a whole new conception of foreign policy.
On this day, we come to proclaim an end to the petty grievances and false promises, the recriminations and worn-out dogmas that for far too long have strangled our politics.
MacLaurin was succeeded by David Morgan, a man with noble intentions but also a softly-spoken individual who was not going to proclaim the wonders of English cricket from the nearest rooftop.
As everyone who is stupid enough to proclaim themselves a blogging expert will tell you, the secret to blogging is to blog every day, or at least five days a week.
On this day, we come to proclaim an end to the petty grievances and false promises, the recriminations and worn out dogmas, that for far too long have strangled our politics.
So after weeks of backroom dealing to roundup the votes, it was with some relief that House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer was finally able to proclaim victory on the floor yesterday.
Nor did governments rush to proclaim their educational duty.
It was the worst performing quarter in three years, and had the hard landing callers coming out of the wood work to proclaim the beginning of the end for the Chinese economy.
FORBES: Take That Hard Landing II: China Will Meet Growth Target
The minister has been given sweeping powers to proclaim certain areas, like schools, gun-free zones, and to prohibit certain categories of weapons, while the police have new wide-ranging search and seizure powers.
They are simply incompatible: it is not possible to protect the rights of Moslems to proclaim one and Christians the other while still insisting that people may not mock either or both beliefs.
FORBES: Dear Muslim Protestors: Yes, Freedom Of Speech Does Mean That The Prophet Can Be Insulted