The stress of figuring all this out is difficult enough without the terror of the disease itself.
Shaking now from terror, she knew better than to look at the door, but couldn't help herself.
The taxi driver looked at me, looked at the elephant and let out a low moan of terror.
Prime Minister David Cameron said the UK would "never buckle" in the face of terror attacks.
He says he fired in a fit of terror before realizing Steenkamp was inside.
On Monday Ivanov said the new anti-terror partnership between Moscow and Washington had strengthened the OSCE.
The kingdom has been a front-line ally in the wars on terror and narcotics.
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The names of both Tsarnaev and his mother were placed in a terror database, however.
Mr Bush urged all "those who seek peace... to dismantle the infrastructure of terror".
We are with you in the battle against terror and the struggle for security.
In the years since, the U.K. has figured in a number of international terror episodes.
This fact would inject such terror into me that I would not sleep for days.
But the garment whose fate makes Indians clutch their brocade scarfs in terror is the kimono.
His support for President George Bush's "war on terror" earned him unpopularity at home.
Putin said the West should have cooperated more actively with Russia in combatting terror.
In short, he was in the midst of a reign of terror in the ring.
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And he questioned spending cuts to the intelligence, counter-terror police and UK Border Agency budgets.
Instead of being alarmed, we should keep our focus on the campaign against terror.
We've just heard in the news there, Gordon Brown talking about tougher anti-terror laws.
Mr. Kelly's tenure has also been marked by the lack of a successful terror attack.
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"When you invent new terms like 'war on terror' you create difficulties, " says Mr Kalshoven.
You can't show fatigue, you can't show terror, you can't show when you're torn up.
But his story goes back to the 1990s and beyond, predating the so-called War on Terror.
Historically, much of the focus of attention on terror suspects has been on London.
In a separate development, Theresa May has rejected proposals to offer some terror suspects bail.
Goliath just stands there, a frozen, massive hulk of roiling conflict and sheer terror.
The latter would inspire neither admiration, nor terror, nor hatred, nor indifference, just pity.
They also agreed to close legal loopholes that allow terror suspects to evade arrest.
Mr Gonzales will probably fight terror much as his predecessor did, though with less bombast.
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The men were arrested following a series of anti-terror raids in Luton, Beds, last year.