General Motors is trimming down, Ford is still flabby, and Chrysler has had a setback.
To understand how Japan's once-mighty electronics industry has grown so flabby, consider the story of NEC.
You often bump into visiting vets, middle-aged men with flabby muscles and military tattoos.
They have little desire to replace traditions of hard work and thrift with a flabby welfare dependency.
Come January, we look in the mirror and ask ourselves: Who's that flabby person staring back at me?
The great American writer Ernest Hemingway despised this kind of flabby, indulgent storytelling.
Each weekday, the flabby culprits gather in the common rooms to watch a market report on a cable channel.
Mohammed, who upon his capture in Rawalpindi was photographed looking flabby and unkempt, was now described as being slim.
Usually it happens in an empty school gym with a bunch of slow flabby dudes decades removed from high school.
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But in 1996 he won control of Southam, Canada's largest chain, known for its loose management and its flabby, middle-of-the-road, publications.
It is no secret that we, in higher education, have grown a little flabby, a little too self-centered, a little too privileged.
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Its cost-income ratio, a standard measure of efficiency, is a flabby 83%.
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The firm, in its third generation of family ownership, has grown flabby.
But Brown's radical surgery carries risks at a company that, by his own admission, isn't all that sick -- it's just old and flabby.
It keeps the grapes' natural acidity from respiring out before the grape fully ripens, which means that rich, mature fruit doesn't yield flabby, jamlike wine.
Along with the occasional gem, for instance, were rows of simple, flabby reds and gooey Chardonnays turning brown as a half-eaten apple before your eyes.
He loves pointing out, for instance, how the once-flabby Dutch liberals became trimmer and fitter in opposition, then bounced into government with the Social Democrats.
RDA's difficulties are probably more serious than a flabby cost base.
Bill Gates, who doesn't spend much quality time in the art market, did buy a beautiful Winslow Homer for a record price, but this wasn't Alan Bond flexing his flabby muscles.
The Alain Geoffroy tasted flabby and even a bit watery, while the grand cru wine had ripe peach, pear and apricot aromas, was smooth and flavorful on the palate, and had a juicy finish.
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In short, prosperity, for all of its wonders, and those wonders include what it says about men existing for their rational selves, has a tradeoff in the form of an electorate that gets flabby.
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General Motors (nyse: GM - news - people ) is trimming down, Ford (nyse: F - news - people ) is still flabby, and Chrysler has had a setback.
"It's too flabby, " said my friend Gary.
WSJ: The Not-So-Cloying Side of Kosher Wine | On Wine by Lettie Teague
And in his teachings and writings, Dr. Barnes drew on his scientific background (as well as the writings of Henry James, John Dewey and George Santayana) to bring a new rigor to the criticism of art, replacing approaches he found intellectually flabby or simply beside the point.