Stand somewhere for a few minutes and it is difficult to avoid seeing something move.
And then there is that one, nagging question that is equally difficult to avoid.
FORBES: Wisconsin Politifact Calls Out Scott Walker Jobs Numbers As 'Mostly False'
It's very difficult to avoid them so you could fly into them and there's an obvious hazard for helicopters in the area.
But it will be difficult to avoid one if spending shortfalls continue.
It is difficult to avoid the conclusion that investors are convinced that taxpayer support for these banks is definitively on the way down.
As you can see from this article, they are indeed everywhere and it is becoming more and more difficult to avoid these pesky critters.
FORBES: Bed Bugs In Taxis?! New Bed Bug Report (Summer Camps and Hospitals, Too)
Atapattu said fans high expectations over Sri Lanka's chances might be an added pressure to the team but it will be difficult to avoid.
Many suits--and some of the biggest verdicts--stem from conflicts of interest, which are becoming more difficult to avoid as law firms combine into international behemoths.
When volatility rears its head, it can be difficult to avoid the temptation to make short-term moves, but I encourage you to resist this urge.
Gerald Herrmann, head of Naturland - a German association of organic producers and consumers - told the BBC's World Business Report that these scares were difficult to avoid.
At the Petronio, as well as in certain areas of Pacific Colombia, viche is difficult to avoid, as some friendly local will undoubtedly make sure that you always have a full shot glass.
Increasing income tax for top earners to 45% from 2011 would be "difficult to avoid", Mr Osborne has said - a stance backed up by Mr Clarke and shadow foreign secretary William Hague.
But officials feared from the start that the number of imported animals - and the fact that the virus could be carried on the wind or by birds - meant that an outbreak would be difficult to avoid.
It has been difficult to avoid reading about the UK's finances over the last few months, and with the Budget taking place on 23 March - the day before News Day - there are likely to be more stories to investigate.
"It is difficult to avoid the conclusion that this challenge is in reality an attack upon the planning merits of the decision of the council in granting planning permission... misplaced forensic criticism has been levelled at decisions made when no issue was taken at the time objections were made, " she said.
Correspondents say the health ministry's announcement will make it difficult for her to avoid appearing in court.
One way of dealing with these difficult questions is to avoid them altogether, by banning autonomous battlefield robots and requiring cars to have the full attention of a human driver at all times.
Mr. Abe may want to avoid difficult reforms ahead of parliamentary upper house elections in July.
Presidents have generally been able to avoid difficult reforms.
In addition to the simple education of users, Adams advises businesses to develop clear policies governing user-owned devices to avoid difficult confrontations with staff if a device is lost, stolen or compromised.
The temptation to increase money supply and fuel inflationary pressures in this environment may be too difficult to resist for a civilian administration eager to avoid making political enemies early in its remit.
Yet the government still appears to think it can avoid the difficult choices most economists believe it will have to face at some point.
They wait years before declaring a major, date someone for years before getting married, favor stores with a guaranteed return policy (think Zappos), and hire employees on a temporary basis (or use probationary periods), all in order to avoid commitments that can be difficult, or nearly impossible, to un-do.
FORBES: Why Keeping Your Options Open Is Really, Really Bad Idea
It is often difficult for health care providers to avoid providing care to non-paying patients, especially in the case of emergency care.
Predicting inflation is extremely difficult, so we try to avoid it.
FORBES: Bernanke's Stimulus Fuels Market Rally, Inflation Concerns
First to get into the euro, then to cover up the damage it was having and more recently to avoid the difficult questions of what should be done about it.
Many people deceive themselves to avoid making difficult changes.
Although the reopening went relatively smoothly, if confidence in the banking system does not properly recover, it is difficult to see how Uruguay can avoid a default on its foreign debt at some point.
There is a chance that he could leave Barclays in the embarrassing position of having to make difficult choices about its structure which it might wish to avoid.
Aim to visit on a weekday to avoid the weekend crowds, when it becomes difficult to find a patch of sand to lay down your towel.