• And so I want all of you to recognize that when I look out at each and every one of you, this diverse crowd that we have, you give me incredible hope.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks to Town Hall Meeting at University of Maryland | The White House

  • And I think when you look at this group that's gathered here, you can see the future in this company.

    WHITEHOUSE: Creating New Jobs in a Clean Energy Economy

  • And I just want you to look at this room and think about how that with just a few evenings on a phone bank -- look around, look at this room.

    WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the First Lady at a Campaign Event

  • And, look, I think if you look at the progress of our response to the disaster -- go back a few weeks, and I forget the exact timeline, but oil gets into a bay that is shared by both Alabama and Florida, right?

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Look, I think if you go back and look at -- there was an article I think around the Christmas holidays that demonstrated that roughly there had been very little to no job growth in the past decade.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • And I think that if you look at this from a jobs and justice, a stimulation and long-term planning effort, we need to lay down the markers now.

    CNN: Part 1 of CNN Democratic presidential debate

  • And I think if you step back and look at some of the significance of today's events -- you've got the pharmaceutical industry and the largest group representing seniors in this country, who 16 years ago weren't at the table but were on the other side of the political debate.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Rep. MATHESON: Look, I think she's been very clear in saying that the Democrats are going to lead from the center, and I think if you really look at the results of this past election, I think that it was a rejection of the polarized politics we're had in Washington.

    NPR: Blue Dogs Democrats Have a Centrist Agenda

  • And I think if you look at their official statements, they recognize, obviously, the United States is a principal Pacific power here.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • And I think if you look at the PS3 right now is is a little bit softer than we would have ideally liked?

    ENGADGET: & Joystiq interview: Kaz Hirai and Jack Tretton, Presidents, Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc., and America

  • And I think if you look at them across the board, the state polls have been pretty stable for the past couple of weeks.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • And I think if you look at it, he said from a standpoint of attrition, if you do an attrition analysis, you get to his conclusion.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • And I think when you look at his movies -- even the format that he shoots it in -- you almost feel as if you're a voyeur watching, the picture almost develops.

    CNN: Tom Cruise: Life, love and the pursuit of good film work

  • And I think if you look at -- I think the President talked about the amount of refinancings just last month were greater than I think at any time in almost the past decade.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • And I think if you look at -- I think -- I have not talked to him about this, but I think certainly my view of the hearings is that she is providing full, open and forthcoming testimony about issues in the law.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • And I think if you look at the efforts that the administration has undertaken thus far in terms of outreach -- whether it's in interviews, whether it's speeches, the speech in Turkey -- this is about resetting our relationship with the Muslim world.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • "To negate all the years I played for the Boston Red Sox, and all the tradition, and you look at all the stuff I've piled up in my house, to say I'll just throw it out the window is not true, " Youkilis said.

    WSJ: Youkilis says tension with Chamberlain overblown

  • And I think if you look at what I think is likely to happen next year, you already have Republicans -- some Republicans who are more aligned with the very conservative element of what's happening in New York saying this is a model for what you'll see throughout the country.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • And I think when you look at the pressure that has had the most effect on the Assad regime to date, it's the fact that they are seeing a significant drop in their revenues and their ability, ultimately, to sustain themselves because of the coordinate sanctions that we've done through the "Friends of Syria" grouping.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing on NATO Defense Capabilities

  • That's been what he's consistently laid out, and I think if you look at the statements over the weekend I think the President continued to watch the situation evolve in Iran and speak out forcefully on behalf of justice and to warn the government against -- continue to warn the government against the use of violence.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • And with respect to the pace of operations and participation, I think if you look at where we were three months ago and where we are now -- or two months ago and where we are now -- the progress that has been made in Libya in significant.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Chancellor Merkel Press Conference

  • The fact that he's been talking about the need to do this from the beginning, in 2009, and now other politicians are talking about it and making their opinions known about it -- I mean, I think you have to look at cause and effect here.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • And I think you also have to look at the counterfactual, which is to say if you send a message that you can repress, brutalise, murder your own population without consequence, that actually leads to a very dangerous world rather than a more secure world.

    BBC: Transcript of Douglas Alexander interview

  • You know, we would sit down for two or three hours, and you know, we just look at the photos and, you know, I'd get him to sort of tell me stories about them, sort of the players and who the people are in them.

    NPR: Rapper 50 Cent in His Own Words

  • And when I look out at all of you, I know the answer to that.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks to Troops in Afghanistan

  • And I think that if you look at his record he is absolutely the same kind of defender of consumers in the financial world as Elizabeth Warren has been in her service.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • And I think that if you look at the Cabinet members the President met with -- Secretary Duncan, Attorney General Holder and Secretary Sebelius -- they underscore -- their participation underscores the comprehensive way in which the President views this problem.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney,

  • And I think that if you look at how we've approached the Middle East, my designation of George Mitchell as a special envoy to help deal with the Arab-Israeli situation, some of the interviews that I've given, it indicates the degree to which we want to do things differently in the region.

    WHITEHOUSE: Presidential Press Conference

  • And I think, frankly, if you look at history, that in fact the United States and the international community have moved in a pretty expeditious fashion.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • They look at your face and I feel that, you know, kids tend to look to their parents for cues.

    NPR: Ask Amy: Responding to the Thin Envelope

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