• 这本薄薄的书里很多小贴士可以帮助工薪奴隶彩票中奖获得“物超所值的快乐”。

    This slim volume is packed with tips to help wage slaves as well as lottery winners get the most "happiness bang for your buck".


  • 口袋找到自己彩票中奖迷你版本

    Finding money in your pocket. It's like your own miniature version of winning the lottery.


  • 口袋找到就像自己彩票中奖迷你版本

    Finding money in your pocket. It "s like your own miniature version of winning the lottery."


  • 如果想得到幸福那就忘掉彩票中奖、整手术强求加薪吧。

    If you want to be happy, forget about winning the lottery, getting a nose job, or securing a raise.


  • 比如乔迁雅居喜结连理乃至彩票中奖都会生活带来很多压力

    Events like moving to a nicer home, getting married, or winning the lottery can add a lot of stress to your life.


  • 追求进步过程中,加薪豪华跑车彩票中奖都是我们奋斗的目标。

    In pursuit of progress, we strive for faster cars, fatter paychecks and winning lottery tickets.


  • 据《星期日泰晤士报》富翁编撰人菲利普•贝雷斯福德介绍英国彩票中奖首次跻身该榜。

    Sunday Times Rich List compiler Philip Beresford said this would be the first time a British lottery winner had appeared in the list.


  • 即使那些彩票中奖福布斯排名前一百的人们也只是表现一般美国略微开心了一点而已。

    Even lottery winners and Forbes' 100 wealthiest Americans have expressed only slightly greater happiness than the average American.


  • 研究发现尽管心脏病容易冬天发作,“心碎综合症”却易在夏天出现,且诸如彩票中奖等意想不到的好消息引起该病症。

    The research also suggests that while heart attacks happen more in winter, broken heart syndrome is more common in summer. It can also be brought on by 'good' shocks such as winning the lottery.


  • 足球带来恐惧憎恨希望我们相信他们足球“没有品味”,他们像是那些一边嚼着口香糖一边大口杯中狂饮香槟彩票中奖

    Football's fear and loathing would like us to believe they have "no class", that they are the kind of lottery winner who would be chewing gum as they swigged from a beaker of warm champagne.


  • 约瑟夫发现那是一张中奖彩票时,他决定把它还给它的主人。

    When Joseph found it was a winning lottery ticket, he decided to return it to the owner.


  • 这些兑奖人拿别人中奖彩票兑奖——他们被支付一定比例的报酬——这样真正赢家就可以避免税款

    These cashers turn in others' winning tickets-they are paid a small percentage-so the real winners can avoid taxes.


  • 得以90%的准确率鉴定中奖彩票

    He was able to identify winning tickets with 90 percent accuracy. Here's how it works.-j.l.


  • 听到新闻中心宣布中奖彩票号码时,我就知道,就知道妻子恨不得把杀掉因为几天我不知彩票放在哪里了。

    The minute I heard the numbers on the news station, I knew.I knew my wife would kill me because I had misplaced our lottery ticket several days ago.


  • 如果有人在这么,如果有人可以分辨中奖彩票那么看到奖金总额的统计数据就会我们现在看到的这个样子

    If there were people doing this, if there were people who could sort the winners from the losers, then what you'd see on the payout statistics is exactly what we see.


  • 那种情况中可以70%的准确率从中挑选中奖彩票

    In this case, he says he could sort winners from losers with a 70 percent success rate.


  • 这些便宜刮刮乐——打壁球的伙伴送给的一个开玩笑的礼物——斯利瓦斯塔瓦开始琢磨这些彩票会不会中奖

    The tickets were cheap scratchers-a gag gift from his squash partner-and Srivastava found himself wondering if any of them were winners.


  • 所以会试着很多彩票的仪器进行扫描然后退还那些没有中奖彩票

    So what I would try to do is buy up lots of tickets, run them through my scanning machine, and then try to return the unscratched losers.


  • 自从公布大奖两只彩票平分以来,有关中奖身份猜测就不绝于耳,愈传愈盛。今天中奖的身份即将揭晓,流言更是传得沸沸扬扬。

    Speculation surrounding the identity of the winners has been mounting since it was announced that the huge jackpot was to be Shared between two tickets.


  • 最近在《连线》杂志要求进行的项实验中,塔20张卡片中辨别除了6张未刮开的中奖彩票

    In one of his most recent trials, conducted at the request of Wired, Srivastava identified six unscratched tickets as probable winners out of a set of 20 CARDS.


  • 这些报告描述了一令人困惑发现例如2002到2004年间,同一个人用1,588张中奖彩票兑现总共284万美元的奖金。

    The reports describe a long list of troubling findings, such as the fact that one person cashed in 1,588 winning tickets between 2002 and 2004 for a grand total of $2.84 million.


  • 并排坐在张椅子上华盛顿彩票图标然后中奖号码出来

    Put the two chairs side by side, and I clicked on the Washington lottery icon, and up came the winning Numbers.


  • 彩票经营商Camelot公司中奖身份明天新闻发布会上揭晓同时中奖者还会谈及自己将如何处置这笔巨额奖金。

    Camelot said the winners will talk about their plans for the windfall at press conferences tomorrow, when their identities will also be revealed.


  • 那么得到这笔钱?贾森中奖彩票是从哪儿来的?谁在说真话?谁又在撒谎?

    So who's going to get the money? Where did Jason get the winning lottery ticket from? Who is telling the truth - and who is telling lies?


  • 纽约州彩票政策一贯,那就是新闻媒体公开中奖姓名所在城市

    Lottery policy has always been to release only the name and city of residence of each winner to the news media.


  • 那么如果总是遇到140这个号码去买号码为140彩票可能中奖

    Zicci: So if I always come across the number 140, then it's likely to win a lottery ticket with the number 140?


  • 捧走这笔巨额奖金幸运儿身份保密有人名47岁男子小镇的一家酒吧,花了欧元购得彩票中奖

    The huge prize winners cupped identity, but some say his secret is a 47-year-old man, he's strong town in the bar, took only two euros for winning the lottery is.


  • 尽管中奖几率微乎其微彩民们仍然趋之若鹜。是因为无论个人还是社会彩票不仅代表着巨额奖金还有更多意义。

    Though the chance of winning a fortune is very slim, buyers still go for it, because apart from grand prizes, lottery means something more, to the individuals and society alike.


  • 尽管中奖几率微乎其微彩民们仍然趋之若鹜。是因为无论个人还是社会彩票不仅代表着巨额奖金还有更多意义。

    Though the chance of winning a fortune is very slim, buyers still go for it, because apart from grand prizes, lottery means something more, to the individuals and society alike.


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