• 我们还要进行强化训练

    Ahead of us lay ten days of intensive training.


  • 两者都提供强化训练培训设施营养建议

    Both provide intensive coaching, training facilities and nutritional advice.


  • 我们强化课程标准课程为基础,每周增加10节课的。

    Our intensive course builds on our standard course, with 10 additional lessons per week.


  • 他们感情,被强烈的渴望强化,例如对赞美正义的渴望。

    They are burned in by emotion and strengthened by strong yearnings, like the yearnings for admiration and righteousness.


  • 土匪方式非但没有使他们打败,反而常常强化了他们战无不胜名声

    Far from being defeated, bandits' reputation for invincibility was often strengthened by the manner of their death.


  • 项目患者提供根据病情而定食物,并他们进行烹饪方面的强化训练

    The program will offer patients several bags of food prescribed for their condition, along with intensive training in how to cook it.


  • 有些课程价格不菲,一个为期三周强化课程可能要花费4500美元,甚至更多其中大多数都提供奖学金

    Some are priceya three-week intensive program can cost $4,500 or morebut most offer scholarships.


  • 凯特林的父母选择在家进行强化教育

    Caitlin's parents opted to educate her intensively at home.


  • 政府正在考虑强化书报电影审查方面法律

    The government is considering toughening up the law on censorship.


  • 他们通过苦读11个月的强化课程获得学位

    They secure their degrees by slogging through an intensive 11-month course.


  • 使儿童看护规范化的家长最大程度地强化控制,节约了支出

    Parents who routinize child care are minimizing expense and maximizing their control.


  • 要记住视觉资料强化信息,而不是削弱你讲述的内容。

    Remember you want your visuals to reinforce your message, not detract from what you are saying.


  • 们恐惧邪恶的、强大的、人造的智能机器的出现,这种恐惧已经被许多小说作品所强化,例如玛丽·雪莱的《弗兰肯斯坦》和《终结者》系列电影。

    Fears about the appearance of bad, powerful, man-made intelligent machines have been reinforced (强化) by many works of fiction—Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and the Terminator film series, for example.


  • 许多情况下建筑风格进一步强化一概念

    In many cases, the architectural style of the building further reinforces that notion.


  • 我们必须强化公民社会私营部门作用做出大的努力

    We must all do more efforts to enhance the role of civil society and the private sector.


  • 草原田鼠大脑负责奖励强化区域这些荷尔蒙受体

    The prairie vole has the needed receptors in its brain for these hormones in the regions responsible for reward and reinforcement.


  • 由于员工需求不同个人强化作用的措施可能另一个人不起作用。

    Since employees have different needs, what acts as a reinforcement for one may not for another.


  • 战略确保了花强化信息技术上的美元有助于提高我们公司利润率

    This strategy ensures that every dollar spent on enhanced information technology will help to increase our firm's profit margins.


  • :“作为设计师我们工作就是强化航空公司的品牌使容易被认出来。”

    "Our job as designers is to reinforce the airline's brand and make it more recognizable," he says.


  • 裁决强化确保公民他们选出代表——而不是法院——平等接触政府的必要性。

    But the ruling reinforces the need for citizens and their elected representatives, not the courts, to ensure equality of access to government.


  • 多样性关于建立更好社区组织增强我们作为个人的能力强化我们共同人性

    Diversity is about building better communities and organizations that enhance us as individuals and reinforce our shared humanity.


  • 裁决强化公民他们选出代表需要而不是法院的需要,确保平等接触政府

    The ruling reinforces the need for citizens and their elected representatives, not the courts, to ensure equality of access to government.


  • 尽管一些较大房间里这些强化声音可能以至于我们不见,但我们感觉到

    In some of the larger chambers though, these intensified sound may be too deep for us to hear, we can feel it.


  • 豆腐豆豉强化豆奶大豆制品方面双重功能,因为它们同时提供蛋白

    Soy products like tofu, tempeh and fortified soymilk do double duty in this regard, since they provide both calcium and protein.


  • 维生素D钙醇另一种脂溶性类固醇维生素,其功能促进肠道吸收强化骨骼

    Vitamin D, or calciferol, is another fat-soluble steroid vitamin that functions to stimulate calcium uptake from the gut and its deposition in bone.


  • 没有苹果、一个橘子、一西瓜哈密瓜、或一番茄更简单更健康的“强化”一餐的方法了。

    There is no easier, healthier way to "beef up" a meal than with an apple, an orange, a big helping of watermelon or cantaloupe, or a sliced tomato.


  • 选择高跟鞋时,所有那些美妙的感觉都被强化同样生理原因,而不是Jimmy Choo作用

    All those wonderful feelings are intensified when you choose high heels, but again, it's biology, not Jimmy Choo, at work.


  • 正如学者西尔维娅·费德里奇1975年指出那样家务劳动无偿性强化了“家务劳动不是工作因此阻止妇女抗争假设

    As the scholar Silvia Federici put it in 1975, the unpaid nature of domestic work reinforces the assumption that "housework is not work, thus preventing women from struggling against it."


  • 为了避免这种情况,伦特说,安吉尔项目必须一半实力运作所有情况都强化观点最好选择完全避免进行地理工程。

    To avoid such a scenario, Lunt says Angel's project would have to operate at half strength; all of which reinforces his view that the best option is to avoid the need for geo-engineering altogether.


  • 对于领域性的域性的物种形成,强化必需的。

    Reinforcement is required for both parapatric and sympatric speciation.


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