• 名字刻在大满贯奖杯上,这位法国网球公开赛冠军将成为备受世界媒体关注人物。

    The French Open champion who has her name engraved on a Grand Slam trophy earns much attention from the world's media.


  • 过去几十年里,美国加拿大欧洲收到大量关于不寻常现象和未解之谜的媒体关注甚至还有研究者关注

    Over the past several decades, the U.S., Canada, and Europe have received a great deal of media and even research attention over unusual phenomena and unsolved mysteries.


  • 媒体关注只是贫困周期性压迫

    The media focus solely on poverty and the cycle of oppression.


  • 媒体关注之后,他们很容易找到我们这个地方了。

    Because of media attention, they easily found our studio, " said Natsuko Takada, the owner of photo studio "Ixchel."


  • 有一种例外第一受到媒体关注裁员事件影响。

    One exception is if you're affected by a news-making layoff in the first year, or ever.


  • 此后得到的各地媒体关注包括中国国际广播电台等。

    Since then he has continued to receive media attention from many sources in China, including China Radio International.


  • 上个月泽塔互动声称广告获得2010年度获得媒体关注

    Last month, Zeta Interactive proclaimed the ads as having received the most social media buzz in 2010.


  • 主流媒体关注都是什么流行而不是明天什么最有用”。

    Mainstream media primarily focuses on 'what's hot now' instead of 'what will be useful tomorrow.


  • 有史以来媒体关注事件之一,即使10年之后图片仍然很难看到

    It was one of the most-covered media events of all time, and after a decade, the images are still difficult to view.


  • 这些年,对许多高级官员起诉常常作为占据头条成为媒体关注焦点。

    In recent years, the prosecution of senior officials has often made headlines and become media events.


  • 生活严密安保前所未有媒体关注仍然让人有种古怪的感觉。

    It is still a surreal existence inside an intense security bubble and the sort of modern media scrutiny that no President has ever had to endure.


  • 作为英国皇位继承人查尔斯王子一直以来媒体关注对象戴安娜追求例外

    As the heir to the British throne, Prince Charles was usually the subject of media attention and his courtship of Diana was no exception.


  • 因为医院生命健康息息相关特殊行业,危机一旦发生往往会成为媒体关注焦点

    As a special industry which is closely linked with the life and health, hospital often becomes the focus of media attention.


  • 虽然胚胎干细胞研究上取得了突破性的进展,随之而来的激烈争论媒体关注也迫使归于沉寂

    His work on embryonic stem cells was a breakthrough, but it also brought intense controversy and media attention, turning him somewhat reclusive.


  • 骆家辉受到媒体关注表达了惊讶西雅图机场自己的咖啡照片英特网上病毒一样传开

    Locke also expressed surprise at the media attention he has received for the picture of him buying his own coffee at the Seattle Airport that went viral on the Internet.


  • 如果英格兰西班牙或是意大利效力我会得到更多媒体关注也将大的机会进入巴西国家队。

    If I was playing in another league in England, Spain or Italy, I would have a lot more media attention and it would give me more opportunities to play for Brazil.


  • 共和党指责能源部为公司贷款申请开辟绿色通道——只因其成为了媒体关注的焦点(绿色岗位!)

    Republicans are charging that the Department of Energy fast-tracked the company's loan application because it was so mediagenic green jobs!


  • 尽管如此,正如文末图表所,“占领华尔街运动媒体关注方面确实可以与处于相同时间段相提并论

    That being said, as the chart below shows, Occupy Wall Street does appear to be getting comparable traction in the media as the Tea Party did after roughly the same period of time.


  • 然而,从来没有人为声明出示证据。人们作出这种声明只是为了博取媒体关注,而科学上却没有任何依据。

    However, no evidence is ever presented to support these claims, which make for good media coverage but are scientifically unwarranted.


  • 去年9月,由于约翰斯顿当时年方17上学的布里斯托尔怀孕一事披露了大受国内和国际媒体关注

    Johnston was propelled to national and international media attention last September when it was revealed he had made Bristol, who was then 17 and still at school, pregnant.


  • 南非世界杯期间,球迷们吹奏的这不成曲调塑料喇叭成为媒体关注的焦点,其它国家也成为热销商品

    The tuneless plastic horn blown by fans was a top World Cup newsmaker and has been snapped up abroad.


  • 去年凯特·米德尔顿成为各大媒体关注焦点,一方面因为威廉王子订婚,另一方面因为独特的时尚品味。

    Kate Middleton has made headlines in the past year, both for her engagement to Prince William and her incredible fashion sense.


  • 俄国最近预测阿波斯99942可能于2036年4月13撞击上地球时,小行星再次引起媒体关注

    The asteroid hurtled back into the news when Russia recently predicted 99942 Apophis may hit Earth on April 13, 2036.


  • 尽管引起媒体关注往往中国最大硬件品牌兴兴向荣互联网公司,但该国大量支持电子产品供应链的公司。

    While China's largest hardware brands and booming Internet companies tend to attract media attention, the country also has huge Numbers of companies that support the electronics supply chain.


  • 英国媒体关注查尔斯王子戴安娜破裂婚姻关系一样,可能是因为法国媒体早就开始记载萨科复杂的私人关系

    It may also be because, like the British media over the break-up of Prince Charles's marriage to Diana, the French media have long been chronicling the Sarkozys' complicated relationship.


  • 英国媒体关注查尔斯王子戴安娜破裂婚姻关系一样,可能是因为法国媒体早就开始记载萨科复杂的私人关系

    It may also be because, like the British media over the break-up of Prince Charles's marriage to Diana, the French media have long been chronicling the Sarkozys' complicated relationship.


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