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[piːs] [piːs]

  • n. 块,张,片,段;碎片,零件;(成套物品的)部件,部分;(艺术、音乐、戏剧、文学的)一部作品;(报道、新闻、广播的)一篇;份额,一份股权;桩,项,条,件; 一点;(土地的)一块;一段距离;硬币;枪;<非正式>女人;<苏格兰>(三明治等)小吃
  • v. 拼合,拼装;慢慢理解

[ 复数 pieces 第三人称单数 pieces 现在分词 piecing 过去式 pieced 过去分词 pieced ]



身上(Body)最铭肌镂骨的那条(Piece)伤疤(Scar)是怎样来的 ——诞生的光阴阿谁狠心肠的大夫剪的



... 首轮退场名单 一台 虚 宿 二台(2 sets) 大智基金会 三台 天府可哀四台 那儿有亏成 替补: 昏暗天际,琨琨她老爹,东坡棋子 (Piece)菜鸟一出,谁与争锋 次轮战报 1:3负 主将(Lord):虚 宿 胜 圣目风铃 副将1:大智基金会 胜 恨空不叨叨 副将2:天府可哀 负 常常崩...



A Piece(一块), 此释义来源于网络辞典。



上学的时候就梦想成为一名ONE PIECE海贼王),所以我很认同“是男人就要征服大海”这句话。其实当你真正习惯海上生活的时候,也会很寂寞,很孤独的。



One Piece 海贼王 ; 航海王 ; 海盗路飞 ; 连衣裙

PIECE RATE 记件 ; 计件工资 ; 记件工资

Parker's Piece 帕克公园

a piece of cake 小菜一碟 ; 一块蛋糕 ; 糕饼点心店 ; 形容非常容易

ONE-PIECE DRESS 连衣裙 ; 布拉吉 ; 连衫裙 ; 连衣裙小游戏

a piece of 一张 ; 一片 ; 一

The Missing Piece 一时无两 ; 失落的一角 ; 缺失的一角

character piece 特性曲 ; 特征曲 ; 性格小品

nickel piece 镍币

  • 钱币
  • 杰作 - 引用次数:2

    Among them, the magnificent chaconne, the second partite of the Fifth Movement,ranks an unprecedented master piece in violin literature. It fully demonstrates Bach’s untrammeled inner sentiment, wealthy fantasy and imagination, and superb polyphony performing skills.


    参考来源 - 论恰空舞曲的音乐风格与演奏技法
  • 零件 - 引用次数:9

    参考来源 - 基于免疫算法的柔性制造单元动态调度研究
  • - 引用次数:4

    Bases on abundant literatures, primarily foreign scholar' s research, the thesis analyses one of Meier' s typical design manner-turning mass into piece in his building examples, which is illustrated by drawing language.


    参考来源 - 理查德·迈耶建筑设计手法初探
  • 零件 - 引用次数:3

    After we got the main parameters we get to the design of the structure. In the progress of the DMF design, the torsional rigidity and the Slippery piece are the key points.


    参考来源 - 一种新式双质量飞轮特性研究及其结构设计
  • 接(线头)
  • 一块


piece [ pi:s ]

  • n.
    • a separate part of a whole

      "an important piece of the evidence"

    • an item that is an instance of some type

      "he designed a new piece of equipment"; "she bought a lovely piece of china"

    • a portion of a natural object

      "he needed a piece of granite"

      同义词: part

    • a musical work that has been created

      同义词: musical composition opus composition piece of music

    • an instance of some kind

      "it was a nice piece of work"

      同义词: bit

    • an artistic or literary composition

      "he wrote an interesting piece on Iran"; "the children acted out a comic piece to amuse the guests"

    • a portable gun

      同义词: firearm small-arm

    • a serving that has been cut from a larger portion

      "a piece of pie"

      同义词: slice

    • a distance

      "it is down the road a piece"

    • a work of art of some artistic value

      "it is not known who created this piece"

      同义词: objet d'art art object

    • a period of indeterminate length (usually short) marked by some action or condition

      "I need to rest for a piece"

      同义词: while spell patch

    • a share of something

      同义词: slice

    • game equipment consisting of an object used in playing certain board games

      "he sacrificed a piece to get a strategic advantage"

      同义词: man

  • v.
    • to join or unite the pieces of

      同义词: patch

    • create by putting components or members together

      "She pieced a quilt"

      同义词: assemble put together set up tack tack together

    • join during spinning

      "piece the broken pieces of thread, slivers, and rovings"

    • eat intermittently; take small bites of

      "He pieced at the sandwich all morning"

      同义词: nibble pick

    • repair by adding pieces

      "She pieced the china cup"

      同义词: patch

以上来源于: WordNet


piece /piːs/ CET4 TEM4

  • 1. 

    N-COUNT A piece of something is an amount of it that has been broken off, torn off, or cut off. (从某物上拆下、撕下或切下的) 块; 片; 段


    ...a piece of cake.



    Cut the ham into pieces.


  • 2. 

    N-COUNT A piece of an object is one of the individual parts or sections that it is made of, especially a part that can be removed. 部件


    ...assembling objects out of standard pieces.


  • 3. 

    N-COUNT A piece of land is an area of land. (一) 块 (土地)


    People struggle to get the best piece of land.


  • 4. 

    N-COUNT You can use piece of with many uncount nouns to refer to an individual thing of a particular kind. For example, you can refer to some advice as a piece of advice. 与不可数名词搭配,表示某种事物的个体


    When I produced this piece of work, my lecturers were very critical.



    ...an interesting piece of information.


  • 5. 

    N-COUNT You can refer to an article in a newspaper or magazine, some music written by someone, a broadcast, or a play as a piece. (报纸、杂志上的) 文章; 作品


    She wrote a piece on Gwyneth Paltrow for the New Yorker.



    ...a vaguely familiar orchestral piece.


  • 6. 

    N-COUNT You can refer to a work of art as a piece. 艺术品 [正式]


    Each piece is unique, an exquisite painting of a real person, done on ivory.


  • 7. 

    N-COUNT You can refer to specific coins as pieces. For example, a 5 cent piece is a coin that is worth 5 cents. 硬币


    ...lots of 10 cent, 20 cent, and 50 cent pieces.


  • 8. 

    N-COUNT The pieces that you use when you play a board game such as chess are the specially made objects that you move around on the board. 棋子


    How many pieces does each player have in backgammon?


  • 9. 

    PHRASE If you give someone a piece of your mind, you tell them very clearly that you think they have behaved badly. 鲜明地批评 [非正式]


    How very thoughtless. I'll give him a piece of my mind.


  • 10. 

    PHRASE If someone or something is still in one piece after a dangerous journey or experience, they are safe and not damaged or hurt. 完好无损


    ...providing that my brother gets back alive and in one piece from his mission.


  • 11. 

    PHRASE You use to pieces in expressions such as "smash to pieces," or "take something to pieces," when you are describing how something is broken or comes apart so that it is in separate pieces. 成为片

  • 12. 

    PHRASE If you go to pieces, you are so upset or nervous that you lose control of yourself and cannot do what you should do. (因紧张不安而) 崩溃 [非正式]


    She's a strong woman, but she nearly went to pieces when Arnie died.


  • 13. 

    a piece of the action →see action

  • 14. 

    bits and pieces →see bit


a piece of 一片,一块

one piece adj. 整体的,单片的 , n. 上下身相连的衣服

work piece 工作物;半制品;被加工件

a piece of paper 一张纸

piece of cake 轻而易举的事情;轻松愉快的事

a piece of work 难事;一件作品;一项工作

in one piece 未受伤的;完整无损地

piece by piece 逐渐地

of a piece 一致的;与…同类的

pick up the pieces (跌倒后)重新爬起来(对小孩讲的话) 收拾残局;收拾残局

a piece of bread 一片面包

in piece ◎破碎,成碎片 , ◎(信念、意见等)不一致,分歧  

piece together 拼凑

master piece 杰出的事

first piece 粗加工工件;粗加工部分;首片

piece goods n. 布匹;匹头

fall to pieces 破碎,倒塌

test piece 试样;制取试样的金属块;[音]参赛或命题曲目

piece on 接上,贴上

a piece of music 一段音乐;一首音乐;一首乐曲

  share, fraction, division, segment, part, fragment, section, piece, portion


share 指共有的东西中应占有的一部分。

fraction 指包含在全体中的一部分,暗示微不足道的一部分。

division 通常指按类划分或分割成而的部分。常含抽象意义。

segment 指某物的特定部分或自然形成的部分,也指线形物品的一段。

part 含义广,最普通用词。常指整体中可大可小的一部分,也可指整体中可分开的独立部分。

fragment 指因破裂、分割等产生的支离破碎、不规则的一部分。

section 指整体中的分区,部分与部分之间有显著界限。

piece 指整体中的一些个体,尤指从某个整体上分出来的一部分。

portion 侧重从整体中所分配到的那一部分,含一定的独立意义。


  bit, scrap, slice, fragment, sheet, piece


bit 侧重指微小,一点点,小碎片。

scrap 侧重指废弃的零碎之物。

slice 多指切得很薄的一片食物。

fragment 指破裂的,不完整的,不可完整的碎片。

sheet 侧重指平整很薄的一张或一片。

piece 最普通用词,多指从整体上分割下来的东西,可大可小。





a piece of 一片,一块

one piece adj. 整体的,单片的 , n. 上下身相连的衣服

work piece 工作物;半制品;被加工件

a piece of paper 一张纸

piece of cake 轻而易举的事情;轻松愉快的事

a piece of work 难事;一件作品;一项工作

in one piece 未受伤的;完整无损地

piece by piece 逐渐地

of a piece 一致的;与…同类的

pick up the pieces (跌倒后)重新爬起来(对小孩讲的话) 收拾残局;收拾残局

a piece of bread 一片面包

in piece ◎破碎,成碎片 , ◎(信念、意见等)不一致,分歧  

piece together 拼凑

master piece 杰出的事

first piece 粗加工工件;粗加工部分;首片

piece goods n. 布匹;匹头

fall to pieces 破碎,倒塌

test piece 试样;制取试样的金属块;[音]参赛或命题曲目

piece on 接上,贴上

a piece of music 一段音乐;一首音乐;一首乐曲

- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定