至于楚浮的「骗婚记以及近日上映的「枕边陷阱(Original Sin),两片同样改编自康乃尔.伍力奇的奇情感官小说「跃进黑暗的华尔滋,题材同样也是照片新娘只不过骗人的是新娘自己,而且是古巴...
Divinity Original Sin 神界原罪 ; 原罪 ; 神谕
doctrine of the original sin 原罪论
Original-sin 原罪之杖
original sin archetype 原罪意识原型
A little original sin 小小的原罪
The serpent is the original sin in the heart of human and it seduces man to lose the Garden of Eden. The writer also analyses the archetype of fire.
参考来源 - 威廉·戈尔丁的《蝇王》的原型解析Have formed upper after the event of time , have decided it being unlike a joint offense; Adherence be founded going ahead nature makes it have no way to break away from original sin but to be founded alone.
参考来源 - 连累犯问题研究(研究生论文)·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
N-UNCOUNT According to some Christians, original sin is the wickedness that all human beings are born with, because the first human beings, Adam and Eve, disobeyed God. 原罪