...advice to you is"aim high" » 假设你有所有获得就业和是兰4开始,我对你的忠告是"高目标” type in a keyword » 键入一个关键字 ..
Start by settting up your location, then choose a category (e.g. jobs, personals or housing) and type in a keyword.
Each time a connection comes in, every text and image type keyword match check specified in the config file is performed.
If you want to know about a topic for that year only and not any other year, type "inurl: 2009" and your keyword to find results with your keyword in URLs with 2009 in them.
如果你想了解仅仅存在于某年而非其他年份的一个课题,键入“inurl: 2009”和关键词,你将找到包含你的关键词和2009的url。