罗教授着重强调,生物信息学是 理论生物学 ( Theoretical Biology ),实验生物学(Experimental Biology)和计算生物学结合(Computational Biology)的结果,三者互相影响,缺一不可。
Journal of Theoretical Biology 理论生物学杂志 ; 理论生物学期刊 ; 理论生物学
modern theoretical biology [生物] 现代理论生物学
Center for Theoretical Biology 生物学中心
Progress in Theoretical Biology 理论生物学进展
mathematical and theoretical biology 生物数学
The Journal of Theoretical Biology 理论生物学期刊
Theoretical Population Biology [生物] 理论群体生物学
Bioinformatics and Theoretical Systems Biology 生物信息学和理论系统生物学
This is the website of PKU Center for Theoretical Biology.
The function of the appendix seems related to the massive amount of bacteria populating the human digestive system, according to the study in the Journal of Theoretical Biology.
The theory, developed by a team from Duke University Medical School, North Carolina, and published in the Journal of Theoretical Biology, has sent ripples through the scientific community.