Standard & Poor's Rating 标准普尔评级 ; 标准普尔
Standard & Poor's Rating Services 标准普尔 ; 国际评级机构标普 ; 标准普尔评级服务 ; 标准普尔评级服务机构
Standard and Poor's Rating 标准普尔评级
standard &poor's rating service 普尔评等公司
Standard and Poor's Rating Services 标准普尔评级服务机构
Standard and Poor's Rating Group 标准普尔信用评级集团
Standard & Poor's decision to downgrade America's credit rating on Friday is momentous, but not, I suspect, for the reasons most people will cite.
Investor confidence took yet another knock on Wednesday when rating agency Standard &Poor's downgraded Spain's debt - reflecting a loss of confidence in another eurozone country.
Investor confidence in a global economic recovery took a hit after international rating agency Standard &Poor's downgraded the US long-term credit rating from AAA to AA+.