Seed vigor test 种子活力测定
seed vigor index 种子活力指数
raised seed vigor 提高种子活力
testing seed vigor 种子活力测定
soybean seed vigor 大豆种子活力
tobacco seed vigor 烟草种子活力
Seed vigor examine 活力监测
seed vigor criteria 种子活力指标
seed vigor detecting 活力检测
Seed vigor is the important index of measuring the seed quality. A seed vigor testing can reflect thepotential of seed in the field or under storage.
参考来源 - 水稻种子活力、生活力检测方法及计算机视觉的应用研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The effect of Fusicoccin (FC) on soybean seed vigor and seedling growth and yield was studied.
Therefore studying the relationship between indoor seed vigor test and field test is very meaningful.
Its low seed vigor and poor field emergence are main factors that restrict the extension of sweet corn.