以至于他和卡耐基、摩根这些富豪在当时都有 强盗大亨 ( Robber Baron )的绰号,在各种场合常常被人唾弃。洛克菲勒一定是能清晰地察觉到这种危机的,今天在我们读到他写给儿子的信时,就能强烈地感受...
以上来源于: WordNet
N-COUNT If you refer to someone as a robber baron, you mean that they have made a very large amount of money and have been prepared to act illegally or in an immoral way in order to do so. 强盗资本家; 用非法或不道德手段攫取大量钱财的权贵
Even setting aside its alleged robber baron, this will be tough.
With Vanderbilt, a New York robber baron on the other side of the tracks, he tackles the economic divisions in America as well as the social ones.
The stereotypic Abolitionist, Robber Baron, Progressive Reformer, New Dealer is as good a place as any to begin understanding the past, but each of these inherited images needs critical adjusting.