第三类是有点内向的肥佬教授(Nutty Professor),第二类是理智与责任感并存的海明威,可以将他们分为四类:第一类是电影《欢乐满人间》里充满爱心的保姆仙女Mary Poppins,根据...
The Nutty Professor 肥佬教授 ; 肥佬传授 ; 动漫片版
Nutty Professor 2 肥佬教授 ; 胖教授
Nutty Professor II 肥佬教授 ; 胖教授 ; 肥佬教授2孪生变
Nutty Professor II The Klumps 肥佬教授
nutty professor the 怪教授 ; 肥佬教授
he Nutty Professor 肥佬教授
He looked like a nutty professor.
"The Nutty Professor", as David Nutt is known in the Sun and other newspapers, has never been far from controversy.
Murphy, 50, made his feature film debut in 1982 with the buddy comedy 48 Hours and went on to star in the Beverly Hills Cop, The Nutty Professor and Shrek franchises.
现年50岁的艾迪-墨菲在1982年初登荧屏,在《48小时》里扮演一个自以为是的罪犯。 而后在影片中都有不俗表现:《比佛利山超级警探》、《肥佬教授》及《怪物史莱克》系列。