国家级来华留学英语授课品牌课程《教学技术与媒体》(Instructional Technology Media)负责人,在国内外核心期刊上发表专业学术论文近四十篇,出版专著和主编教材共九册,持国家级项目四项,省部级项目六项,获国家软...
Educational Media and Instructional Technology 教学科技
Instructional Technology and Media 学科技与媒体 ; 教学技术与媒体
Those more frequently used for programs in this field are Educational Media< Instructional Communications, and Educational technology.
The Theory and Practice for Instructional Media is a quite practical and technological course, aiming at the education technology undergraduates.
We will rethink and complete this instructional design mode through the research of the course called "Multi-media technology" and the problems occurred in the process of carrying out BL.