...的敌手,并且前两轮角逐中他们只拿到了1分,本场之战无疑让车路士看到了大捷的指望,车路(Van)士大有势在必得(High aspirations)的趋向,记住别人对我们的恩惠,洗去我们对别人的怨恨,在人生的旅程中才能自由翱翔。
...,而在CBA的比赛中不难发现,身强体壮的内线不时会比外线球员成功,即便街球王的秋风华丽,但很难想象志存高远(High aspirations)的青岛男篮会将巨额工资投入在已经34岁的阿尔斯通身上。
cherish high aspirations 雄心万丈 ; 胸怀大志
Lofty Ideals And High Aspirations 雄心壮志
A Man Of High Aspirations 非池中物
An athlete with high aspirations 一名运动员的远大理想
lofty sentiments and high aspirations 豪情壮志
As a Strategic Trader, you have high aspirations and standards and are more than capable of doing things well on your own.
Everything we do, should have a lofty ideals and high aspirations, set a lofty and target, with enthusiasm to stimulate their own career motivation.
The students, I believe you can understand my mood now, for my lofty ideals and high aspirations, to Macheng in a brilliant tomorrow, cast your holy one vote!
同学们,我相信你们都能理解我现在的心情,为了我的雄心壮志,为了麻城一中辉煌的明天 ,投上你们神圣的一票吧!